World抯 first cloned camel has been born
DUBAI: The world抯 first cloned camel was born here last week, according to local reports.
揥eare all very excited at the birth of 慖njaz |

Injaz, a cloned female camel, was born at the Camel Reproduction Centre on April 8 after an uncomplicated gestation of 378 days. She was created from cumulus cells harvested from the ovary of an adult female camel |
semua nyer dah clone skarang  |
UAE cipta unta klon pertama dunia
DUBAI - Seekor anak unta klon pertama di dunia berjaya dihasilkan di Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (UAE), kata seorang penyelidik Pusat Pembiakan Unta (CRC), Dr. Nisar Wani.
Unta klon itu diberi nama Injaz dan dilahirkan pada 8 April lalu selepas lima tahun saintis-saintis CRC dan Makmal Penyelidikan Veterinar Pusat melakukan penyelidikan.
"Penemuan penting ini memberikan cara bagi memelihara genetik unta kita yang sangat berharga untuk perlumbaan elit dan penghasilan susu di masa depan," kata Pengarah Saintifik CRC, Dr. Lulu Skidmore.
Injaz yang bermaksud pencapaian dalam bahasa Arab merupakan klon daripada seekor unta betina yang disembelih bagi ibadah korban pada 2005.
Saintis-saintis CRC menggunakan ekstrak asid deoksiribonukleik (DNA) sel ovari unta itu dan dimasukkan ke dalam telur yang diambil daripada seekor ibu tumpang untuk menghasilkan embrio klon. - Agensi |
orang klon pon dah ada rasanye neh.... |

Snuppy (right), the first successfully cloned dog, is shown at 67 days after birth with Tai, the three-year-old Afghan hound whose skin cells were used to clone him. South Korean scientists at Seoul National University performed the cloning procedure, and Snuppy was born on April 24, 2005. |

Idaho Gem
The world's first cloned mule was born on May 4 2003. He is an identical genetic copy of his brother, a champion racing mule called Taz, and the first clone to be born in the equine family. |

A cloned kitten
The world's first cloned kitten, named Cc, was created by scientists in Texas using a cell taken from an adult tortoiseshell female (see next picture). The photo, taken on December 22 2001 when the kitten was seven weeks old, was made public in February 2002.

Who's she? The cat's mother?
Rainbow, the adult tortoiseshell female from which Cc was cloned. The nuclear-donor cat was used in the transfer technique pioneered by the Edinburgh scientists who made Dolly the sheep. The move opens the prospect of people being able to clone their pets. |

Five little piggies
Five cloned female piglets, named Noel, Angel, Star, Joy and Mary - an important step towards "knock-out pigs". They were born on Christmas Day 2001 in what the Scottish-based firm PPL Therapeutics says is a major step towards successfully producing animal organs and cells for use in human transplants. The pigs lack a gene to which the human immune system reacts aggressively. When an all-male litter is born and bred with the females, a knock-out pig will be created. |

Hello Dolly
Dolly the sheep, the world's first cloned adult animal. The scientists who cloned Dolly are to stop experiments involving genetically modifying pigs for human organ transplants because of concerns that deadly new diseases could be passed on to people. |

Mooving on
A pair of new-born cloned calves in a cowshed in Ishikawa Japan on July 5 1998. They were born exactly two years after Dolly, the British sheep that made history by becoming the first clone of an adult animal. They are the second adult-animal clones, and were produced by a similar technique. A spokesman for the Ishikawa prefectural livestock research centre said the new technique would be used to breed better cattle strains with higher-quality beef or greater milk capacity. |

Monkey business
ANDi (inserted DNA spelled backwards), the first genetically modified rhesus monkey, at the Oregon regional primate research centre in Oregon, USA. The birth of ANDi, the first rhesus monkey cloned by embryo splitting, is another incremental step toward designing and perfecting new treatments for human genetic disorders.
Oregon Regional Primate Reserch Center/AP |
Saintis Iran berjaya lahir kambing klon

Lembu jantan laga pertama kali diklonkan di Sepanyol
MADRID: Sepanyol buat pertama kalinya mengklonkan lembu jantan laga, kata pasukan pakar sains di sebalik pencapaian terbaru mereka, hari ini.
Lembu jantan itu yang diberi nama Got, bermaksud kaca dalam bahasa Catalan, dilahirkan semalam berdekaran bandar Palencia, utara Sepanyol.
Got menyamai bapanya, Vasito, bermaksud kaca kecil di Sepanyol, adalah lembu jantan laga yang mati Mac lalu selepas dilahirkan sebagai pembaka.
Klon kedua Vasito dijangka dilahirkan beberapa hari lagi.
Lembu jantan laga dilahirkan untuk laga lembu di mana kebanyakannya mati ketika bertarung dan sesetengahnya menghabiskan masa sebagai pembaka.
Ketua pasukan ahli veterinar dan biologi, Vicente Torrent, berkata kejayaan mereka adalah dengan mengetengahkan teknik yang boleh digunakan bagi membantu spesis yang semakin pupus. - AFP |
clon nie bermaksud, tak perlu guna sperma kan?
so, sebarang DNA dari penderma bole hasilkan baka klon?
cth dari kulit, rambut atau darah??? |
clon nie bermaksud, tak perlu guna sperma kan?
so, sebarang DNA dari penderma bole hasilkan baka ...
amieshoro Post at 3-6-2010 14:13 
betul betul |
bile la orang nak klon anak ikan....mak dah lama menjanda.. |
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