Quiz : Decorate Your Work Station And We'll Tell You How Dead Inside You Are
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You got: Mostly, but not completely, dead inside
You still have a little bit of optimism left inside of you, but not much, as most of it has been systematically wiped out over the months and years. You hold out hope that you'll be able to recapture your past spirit, but the truth is we're all slowly dying! |
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You got: Mostly, but not completely, dead inside
You still have a little bit of optimism left inside of you, but not much, as most of it has been systematically wiped out over the months and years. You hold out hope that you'll be able to recapture your past spirit, but the truth is we're all slowly dying!
Maybe I need a new job.. hmmm |
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You got: 50% dead inside, 50% alive inside
How dead you are inside really depends on the day. Some days, you're super pumped and ready to take on the world; other days, employee reviews and staff meetings make you want to bury yourself alive. It's a fun mystery to discover how you'll feel when you wake up!
hehehehe.... bertabahlah..  |
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You got: Not at all dead inside 
You lead a rich inner life, and you don't need a ton of accoutrements around the office to keep your spirits up. Jobs will come and go, but you know that outside of the office, you are totally awesome. |
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You got: 100% dead inside
You know that at some point, you weren't completely dead on the inside, but that was a long time ago. Now, your insides are made of dirt and ash, where nothing can grow or flourish. On the bright side, this means that nothing really fazes you anymore, because you've stopped having expectations.
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Category: Belia & Informasi