View: 3761|Reply: 9
Thrown to the tigers for crowd to enjoy
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That's quite barbaric.
Personally, I enjoy seeing predators capturing and feasting on their preys. That's their way of life, and it's good to see them live they way they should live. We're not guilty for inhumane death of the prey, because we're just letting nature take its own course.
But when we directly supply live animals to be killed like that for amusement, that ain't right. That's inhumane. |
Nak Buat Mcm Mana,Tu Kat Negara Depa..Kalau Kat Negara Malaysia..Depa Buat Mcm Nie..Aku Orang Pertama Tangkap And Letak Siapa Kepala Yang Buat Benda2 Mcm Nie.. |
ishk masayaallah..dasyatnya depa ni wat binatang mcmni..
x berperikemanusiaan lgsung..menitik air mata tgk kambing ngan anak lembu tu..helpless..
Kalo kat wild tu xpe laa mmg derang buru mgsa utk ini..iskk:cry::cry: |
aku pun sedih gak..bodo pnya org! |
cuba suh diorg lak masuk dalam tuh..biar kena makan plak dgn harimau..
baru tau caner rasanya..
huhu... |
:jeling: ingat kan rimau tu buat ape kat mangsanye.. |
that's the dumbest thing .... i ever read.... are those people in china are dumb or sumthing ..... for sum reason i dun really understand china .... oh man ... y i witnessed his stupidity ...if they really want to train the tiger the put it back in rightfull place .... IN THE WILD ...... like sum indian dude .... he takes the tigers that raise in captivity and put in the wild so it can adapt and survive ....and in the process monitors and if necessary provide minimal help .....that i what i call let nature takes it course .... it predict after they will starve those helpless carnivores and the let them loose in order to make the show interesting ..... stupis -ass people ....  |
kenapa dorang ni gila sangat...
kalau nak real pegi la afrika...ini di kurung idup2 dalam sangkar mcm mana kambing tu nak lari.! |
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