friends -
i wanna share dengan you satu author yang i can categorized
one of the best writer all times -- John Sandford -
i first read his book in 1989 - Rules of Prey -
and that was his first novel - and remains as my
favourite novel all time - (berserta First Deadly Sin
by Lawrence Sanders) and i still have that book -
dah macam belacan tapi i still re read it in the bathroom
whenver i can - khatam buku tu dah lebih 10 kali ;)
dia adalah penulis novel fiction - just like sidney sheldon
or lawrence sanders or john grisham or robin cook
etc etc but his writing is more about police
investigation - murder - genre -
his first novel -- which became best selling novel
in new york times in 1989 - Rules of Prey - memperkenalkan
watak Lucas Davenport - Chief - of police department
di Minneapolis, Minnesota -
the twist plot -- the interesting evidence and the cleverness
of Lucas Davenport - menjadi tarikan dalam novel ni yang
mana once you start reading it - u do not wanna put down the
book ---
i ve read all his book - the last one was Broken Prey - last year
and his coming novel will be in 2007 - i think it is invisible prey
he was called a " rey" author book cuz most of his book
with lucas as a protagonist has a word prey in the title -
his books that i ve read after Rules of Prey
(not in order -- yang i ingat ajela)
eyes prey
shadow prey
hidden prey
winter prey
easy prey
night prey
mind prey
sudden prey
easy prey
secret prey
and few more --
i wanna recommend his books to ulat buku dalam board ni
yang meminati FICTION ---
u wont regret reading john sandford --
get Rules of Prey for a start and you will enjoy it thoroughly --
- happy reading - |
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hem...my kind of books...thanks... |
suka jugak buku-buku yang ada twist ni.. ada ala-ala CSI ke? boleh jugak cuba.. |
Originally posted by periwinkle.. at 20-11-2006 10:20 AM
suka jugak buku-buku yang ada twist ni.. ada ala-ala CSI ke? boleh jugak cuba..
periwinkle, seribulan et al -
i am gonna bet u guys wud LOVE rules of prey --
get it at the book store --
u not gonna be dissappointed -
trust me --
happy reading - |
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Category: Belia & Informasi