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engineeri nyer beza

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Post time 27-4-2007 10:31 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
apa beza proses engineer ngan design engineer ngan industry engineer ngan quality control engineer??tolong..mau tau week ada interview.....da carik tak jumpa...plizz

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Post time 27-4-2007 05:54 PM | Show all posts wekk ek?

aku try jawab ek..tapi, aku bukan engineer tau. (saja..nak berlagak)
at least ko leh goreng2 laa..pastu ko kena tanya ramai org lagi tau..sbb aku pun tak sure..jawapan aku nie betul ke tak..

1. Proses Engineer - Engineer nie memastikan product/subject mengikut proses2 yg telah ditetapkan oleh sykt tersebut. sbb setiap sykt ada procedure masing2. Tugas engineer memastikan proses2 tu tidak melambatkan & product/subject meet dateline.

2. Design Engineer - dah nama pun design. surelah keje nye melibatkan R & D atau design2 yg boleh diupdate/kemaskini pada existing product/subject.
atau kalau bidang telecommunication, desing engineer nie tugasnye tuk cari laluan/resilency utk sesuatu circuit in case laluan existing tu ada masalah or dlm proses pembaikan.

3. Industry Engineer. - sorry ek. gua pun tak tahu.

4. Quality Control Engineer. Selalunyer berkaitan dgn ISO. semua process kena realign dgn kualiti standard ISO. ini berkaitan dgn process engineer. sbb Quality Control Engineer lah akan setupkan formal FlowChart/Standar working proses supaya proces engineer mengikutinye.

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2007 09:56 AM | Show all posts
thanks hana....tu la interview mgg depan...sggh cuak...

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Post time 29-4-2007 08:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by apalah at 28-4-2007 09:56 AM
thanks hana....tu la interview mgg depan...sggh cuak...

relaks laa baru intervieww janganla way....u must be good in english make the interviewer impress....

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Post time 29-4-2007 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mba at 29-4-2007 08:00 PM

relaks laa baru intervieww janganla way....u must be good in english make the interviewer impress....

dan lagi....pandai2 laa attack the interviewers....gud luck!

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Post time 30-4-2007 08:00 PM | Show all posts
Hi....i nak share apa yg i taula..coz i engineer..hehehehe

I rasa maybe sama je ngan apa yg hana dah review..tapi takpelah..nak jugak tulis..kih..kih

PROCESS ENGINEER : Ni banyak kat kilang2 ni...for example kilang HP..kalo process engineer ni, dia akan pastikan pengeluaran produk tu berjalan lancar and meet dateline..dia jugak bertanggungjawab utkl menyelesaikan apa2 masalah yg berlaku sepanjang proses penghasilan produk tu..kalo macam printer tuh..dia monitor la proses penghasilan printer tu dari mula sampai abis..

DESIGN ENGINEER : Hehehe..yg ni i expert..  Design engineer ni biasanya dalam team R&D la..he's the one who responsible to develop and design the system, i.e, for example if he's responsible to develop the bogie system of the monorail, so he need to find out the best solution and develop the bogie system which can provide the comfort to passenger...biasanya design engineer ni main ngan software je la...i.e solid work ke, autocad ke..

Yang lelain tu..tak sure la..tapi i rasa apa yg hana tulis pasal QC engineer tu betul..hihi

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Post time 3-5-2007 04:02 AM | Show all posts
Project Engineer, Site Engineer, Planning Engineer, MEP Engineer & Resident Engineer tak nak tahu ke?

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