Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli
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Originally posted by ms_tag at 24-9-2008 01:06 PM 
Ordered my Victoria Secret through online last 2 saturdays, somehow on last Monday dah arrived my Victoria Secret...Excited giler..Coz suppose to be arrived by mid October..
Pink and white shi ...
ms.. dvd tu.. citer aper eh..?? |
Reply #2521 miezarra_27's post
Its Singapore chinese comedy...Baru tengok sikit jer..funny..
Actually that DVD ada part 1 a few years ago.. |
Balas #2522 ms_tag\ catat
I watched Part 2....best..funny but ader touching moments..berair gak airmata tgk.. |
Reply #2523 KRUfan's post
Iakah KRU? Paksa tah tag habis kan meliat krg ni  |
Wah..I sendiri tak tau cite apa tu..yg ku kenal Jack Neo tu nye muka jek
BTW Ms, lawa ah Victoria's secret stuff you tu...I'm a big fan too!! Be it tees, toiletries etc, I juz love the pink girly stuff that they have  |
Balas #2523 KRUfan\ catat
Watched the Part 2 d Mall Cineplex..last mth! |
Reply #2525 skgerl's post
I like their pink stuff too... |
dah page 102...gotta close this thread..
someone need to open up a new thread about this topic  |
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Category: Negeri & Negara