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Artis dpt pengurangan cukai pendapatan utk "kos penampilan" - TQ Nora?
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RB: We already give celebrities tax breaks for ‘appearance cost’
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 8 ― The Internal Revenue Board (IRB) has clarified that celebrities can already deduct “appearance cost” when filing their taxes, following a suggestion by local actress Nora Danish that drew public ridicule yesterday.
According to an IRB spokesman, celebrities’ makeup and clothing rental expenditure as well as other costs such as management and advertising were considered deductible spending.
“For these expenditures, there is no specific allocation or amount fixed. It is up to the actual spending for each artiste to run her profession,” IRB public relations officer Masrum Maslim told Malay Mail Online’s sister publication ProjekMMO.
In addition, travel cost such as petrol, toll and parking can also claimed as tax deductions, he said.
“Every year, they have to send the B form. So they can claim operational expenditure every year,” Masrum explained, referring to the form to declare revenue from own business.
“They have to file all additional documents such as invoice [including makeup purchase], makeup artist and management payment vouchers, purchase receipts and others.”
Yesterday, Nora Danish was reported by Malay daily Utusan Malaysia as suggesting that artistes be given tax exemptions for the amount they spend to appear attractive in public.
The model-turned-entrepreneur had urged the IRB to consider her proposal, claiming that celebrities spend an exorbitant amount to maintain their looks.
She was mocked by the public after the news spread, however, as several entertainment blogs reported it as though she suggested that celebrities be exempted from paying taxes entirely.
Nora later claimed that her statement was manipulated, although she stood by her initial quotes in the interview.
Masrun added that the IRB considered such spending as “operational expenditure” for practitioners of arts.
“Actually, the term that we use is not tax exemption but the correct term should be operational expenditure as artistes and celebrities,” he said.
He also revealed that many artistes get taxed more than they should because they did not submit their tax forms or failed to provide complete revenue statement with supporting documents.
Nora’s remark came after celebrity Rozita Che Wan was barred from leaving the country to celebrate her two-year-old daughter’s birthday in London last week, due to tax arrears.
The IRB said last week that 132,501 Malaysians have been barred from going abroad as of September this year because of their failure to pay taxes.
According to the Immigration Department, unpaid taxes are the third most common reason for travel bans on Malaysians, which have also risen by over 50 per cent since last year.
- See more at: ... thash.nx8Zr2BI.dpuf
beria mengutuk.. upanyer.... |
Laaa... Ada rupanya
Lepas ni Che ta boleh claim balik cukai terlebih bayar
Langsung LHDN yg hutang dia, bukan dia bayar tak cukup |
Edited by mokcikKSKB at 8-11-2016 03:00 PM
Statement irb ni still backfire nowa 5bintang balik...ahkak senyum kerang je dik.choi |
mokcikKSKB replied at 8-11-2016 02:59 PM
Statement irb ni still backfire nowa 5bintang balik...ahkak senyum kerang je dik.choi
Kan..backfire gitu.. artis ooo artis.. |
Nora takde tax consultant ke? Bukan mahal pun. They shud know allowable and non allowable expenses.
Borang retis special? Siapa mention tu. Borang b je pun. Normal lah borang b punca pendapatan bukan penggajian.
Aku ingat ada lah special borang for artis. |
meteorspeed replied at 8-11-2016 03:01 PM
Kan..backfire gitu.. artis ooo artis..
Nowa 5bintang silap kaunter pertanyaan la ni... |
semlm baca trid pasal nie berbakul nora kena "bodoh"
nampaknya hari nie LHDN pulak yg "bodoh" eh  |
tolong tepi sikit. takperlu kasi tau seluruh malaysia diritu seorang bimbo .
"Nora later claimed that her statement was manipulated, although she stood by her initial quotes in the interview" |
kat malaysia.. retis yg bijak.. leh kira tak penuh dua tapak tangan pun...
mokcikKSKB replied at 8-11-2016 03:02 PM
Nowa 5bintang silap kaunter pertanyaan la ni...
Bagi iols artis nie kena dikasik cukai tinggi sikit..kan bnyk dpt duit..boleh travel sana sini..beli beg memahal so mampu la bayar tax.. kalu jadik duta mesti masyuk kan hahahah
Nie general ok hahahaha |
skymania replied at 8-11-2016 03:04 PM
kalu sapa2 belajar.. mmg heaven dpt balik duit PCB yg di potong..
aku meratip last ye ...
Once submitted itulah final. Sebelum tu prepare awal2 bagi yg takde tax consultant. Dah pikir habis baru submit.
Kalau isi betul. Resit bill invoice cukup. Depa will refund. |
Senyum sinis je Che Ta baca nih...
Bole meronda satu doniaaaa next year gituh.... |
Lhdn mentioned resit dokument kena ada.
Mungkin yg berurusan ngan nora tk bagi resit so dia tak dapat claim.
Carilah orang yg berurusan yg ada legit company walau enterprise. Boleh je minta invoice. Masuk dlm kos kerja. |
Borang tax sama kot
deductions saja lain
Ohmaiiiii malaysiaku tercinta |
Incanto replied at 8-11-2016 03:11 PM
Borang tax sama kot
deductions saja lain
Borang tax b. Pendapatn dari bukan penggajian
Kalau mkn gaji borang be. Ada majikan. |
oh i see
Thank you for pencerahan
| |