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Solo travel saved my ailing mental health
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OK lah kalo duit dah melimpah ruah tu ... buat yg cukop2 mkn nie.. pandai2 la jaga diri ya 

Admiring how similar Ultrecht is to Amsterdam, except that it is a much cleaner, airier and more orderly student city.
They told us that you’d have to get lost in this world to find yourself. I did exactly just that.At 23, I couldn’t take the stress of life anymore. I was studying for a profession that I wasn’t sure I’d like; living to please parents and meet societal expectations. My heart was a dark void filled with emptiness.
Trapped and desperate, I could hang myself, or live on. Freedom was to chase my fascination of exotic places and wicked legends. I wanted to see for myself how different life could be.

Goth-inspired gloom for the dark days of depression that the reader left behind after she embarked on her solo travels. Taken in St Dunstan-in-the-East, London.
Eight years after my first major depressive episode in school, I was standing on a cliff looking down at the magnificent ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru. The Peruvian summer sunlight, mingled with a billowing cool breeze, brushed my cheeks.
Glorious moments up admiring the Incan ruins, abandoned in the 15th century but restored in the 20th century.The coastline of Peru is made up of deserts before the Andean mountains begin. In the middle lies a gorgeous desert oasis.

Indigenous Uros children from the tiny floating Uros islands in Lake Titicaca, Peru.Adorable alpacas in the outskirts of Cuzco, Peru.
I was far from everyone and everything I knew, but learning to savour the sunsets and appreciating my own company.
My first solo travel experience was to Bulgaria, a small country wedged between Romania and Greece in Eastern Europe, opening out to the Black Sea. It was my final year of university, and I was so stressed out that graduating seemed impossible.
The four walls of my bedroom and the tinier walls of the library cubicles imprisoned my soul. I had to go somewhere or go berserk in the rigid space.

The readers first solo trip as a rookie solo traveller in Bulgaria. It was a day trip from Sofia to the quaint town of Koprivishtitsa in the Balkan highlands when she was 22.
I had rented an Airbnb in central Sofia, in hopes of a better environment for conducive and uninterrupted studying. Rustic Sofia was cheap, and hosts a lot of eateries serving Bulgarian cuisine of savoury shropska salads, garlic yogurt zucchinis and barbecued meat.
Speaking a bit of Bulgarian and exercising caution, I was surprised by the warm welcome from locals. I had a conversation with Bulgaria’s former environmental minister in a vegetarian restaurant. On another occasion, a Bulgarian football manager sat down with me to practise his Mandarin.
Solo travel instilled in me a confidence I never knew I had. I started chatting with strangers on trains, hostel mates and tour buddies. Surprisingly, fellow travellers are always receptive to help out and make friends. By the end of the trip, I was able to chat with Chileans and joke with them in Spanish!
Interactions with people on the road also showed me different perspectives on things. On the train back to Cuzco from Machu Picchu, I met a 50-year-old American man who was taking his family all around the world. His kids “went” to school online. He wanted to show them that knowledge knows no boundaries.

The desolate otherwortdly beauty of the vast space of the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia. A Potosi miner during a field trip in the Bolivian Altiplanos to see how modern-day miners live and work since the silver empire of the 15th century collapsed.
In Bolivia, I met an inspiring 28-year-old German guy whose steadfastness in life went beyond his years. I learned that age has no limitations.
In Peru, I met a 64-year-old American man who left his home in Hawaii to backpack solo from Mexico to Bolivia, and beyond. He went up Machu Picchu on foot!
I was able to see the world through the eyes of various cultures too. It made me embrace different ideas and thoughts. There is not only one way to approach things.

Atop the fortress on a cliff in Kyrenia, Turkish Cyprus. The old town and the port from the days of Constantinople opened out behind me. Exploring the Amazon and stumbling across a plant that resembles a giant banana tree.

An old Soviet car seen during a walk along the streets of Transnistria.Time travel back to 1980, a living, breathing Soviet Museum of Moldova. While exploring the slums of Lima, the reader had the pleasure to meet one of the community leaders in the slums of Villa El Salvador, an area housing almost 500,000 people.
I was determined to build my character, as well as fuel my wanderlust to truly see and experience this world. I crossed self-proclaimed independent territories like North Cyprus (Turkish side) and forlorn Soviet Transnistria (Moldova), cruised on the highest floating lake in the world (Lake Titicaca in Peru) at 4,500m above sea level and stayed with the indigenous Aymaran people in a village hut.
I descended down a live mine in Potosi (Bolivia) and handed its miners dynamite bought from the market, rode horses alongside gauchos (Argenitinian cowboys) in the wild plains, gazed upon the stars in the Atacama Desert (Chile) and rode on an Amtrak train from San Francisco to Oregon, and then all the way Seattle.

The silver-dusted muddy earth and otherworldly Martian desertscape of the Moon Valley in Chile. Wall art on one of the many alleys in lively Valparaiso, Chile, heading up to one of the many hills in the city.
Adventure fuels the empty soul. Solo travel made me alive not only by showing me the beauty of this world but by empowering me to see how far I could go.
seksinya gambar last tu ...dah la muda n cantik.. solo travel kena hati2 sikit bab pemakaian.. nanti perkara tak diingini berlaku.. btw betulla tu kalau travel mmg boleh lupa segala masalah..tapi sementara je lah.. balik msia kena hadap balik masalah tu  |
Jauh perjalanan luas pengetahuan dan pengalaman sesuatu yang tak boleh diperolehi dari bilik darjah atau dewan kuliah. |
Memang best travel solo
Tapi kena lebih berhati hati dari segi kesihatan dan keselamatan
Saya kalau trevel solo kena buat persediaan lebih rapi, duit, itinerari, insurans, medical check up, informasi kedutaan etc
Banding jalan ramai2 ada travel insurans pun rasa dah memadai sebab in any case ada orang yg akan tolong
xpernah solo travel...i is penakut... |
haritu kami jalan ceruk kampung bukan tempat touristy la....terjumpa pompan muslim sorang2. so tanya dier dtg ngn sapa? she said travel sorang. so i thought she must be either living abroad or single kot.
skali tanya...anak dan suami tinggal dkt malaysia. terkejut iols.....mmg ada masa dlm setahun she will travel abroad all by herself.
iols is kagum sbb iols pon ada masa tinggal suami dan anak2 utk travel tp pergi dgn girlfriends. tak berani pergi sorang2 esp tempat yg belum pernah sampai.
I love travel solo esp bile ala2 stress dgn my current situation. Sbb bile travel solo u akan lupa segala masalah and your stressful life sbb fokus I is only on my journey from one destination to another. Then balik travel I rasa refresh and semangat dtg blk...hahaha |
masa bujang puas buat, memang best buat kita berdikari dan
kira campak mana pun, kita boleh hidup...
Aku teringin nak travel solo tapi dok pikir sapa nak tangkap pic aku dari segala sudut dan pose |
Iols pun tak pernah travel solo. Selalu pergi berdua dengan my aunt. Teringin, tapi mak iols mesti bising. Dulu pernah nekad nak pergi dah siap beli tix dah tapi last2 tak kesampaian jua hmm |
best travel solo ni wpn ada la cons dia kan
mmg kena jaga diri betul2..sbb selalu org igt yg travel solo ni sbb sng nk buat bukan2
apa2 pun kena stay alert n be prepare bila nk travel sorg2..ubat2 is a must nk bwk |
wehhh bawak la monopod ke tripod ke.
paling susah pon buat je muka tak malu mintak tolong stranger ambikkan..
nak try sekali travel solo. tapi takut tido sorang2. how ahh??
tak penah lagi travel solo sebab parents tak bagi. penah terpikir nak tipu2 tapi takut pulak kalau terjadi pape time travel tu  |
ambik hostel je..pilih nak bape org satu bilik
paling penting kena selalu berhati2
Ambik gambar laa jgk tapi x banyak
paling penting, go n explore the place, ikut timing sendiri nak mkn ke, nak tido or nak sambung soping
Best solo travel ni, cuma dari segi safety kena sentiasa berwaspada. Seeloknya kalo travel minimum berdua pun dah ok.
Travel Community |
my 1st oversea travel was my 1st solo travel.. to seoul hehehe..
totally good experience... penah lost sejam nk cari hotel mlm2... adoiii.. nk gelak pn ade.. |
mesmerize replied at 10-12-2018 03:18 PM
seksinya gambar last tu ...dah la muda n cantik.. solo travel kena hati2 sikit bab pemakaian.. ...
Elok je semua gambar dia. Sponsored trip ke apa? |
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