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Author: ef/x

Israel planned for Lebanon war

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Post time 21-3-2007 05:31 PM | Show all posts
maybe dubuk watch too much Dumb and Dumber...

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Post time 21-3-2007 06:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #221 windof's post

dubuk still dubuk, forever will not change into lion.....
bak kata orang utara...kalao dah benak tu, benak jugak.....
tapi usaha untuk memberi penerangan yang AMAT BAIK& JELAS angat aku sokong

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Post time 21-3-2007 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by RainbowSix at 21-3-2007 03:43 PM
It is a misconstrued doctrine, analysed wrongly and capitalised by foreign media for propaganda. A further indepth study in its essence and application would dispel these misconceptions.

I have studied the quran and hadiths myself on this jihad doctrine. This is also backed by a long history of aggression by muslims throughout history.

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Post time 21-3-2007 06:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #223 Debmey's post

And because u studied, U think u have the right to deduce?

Tell me this, if your studies are correct, why Msia hasnt invaded some other country? Why hasnt Iran invaded Uzbekistan or why Libya hasnt invaded Chad or some distant African nations? Why Saudi Arabis hasnt launched an attack on Serbia or anything similar?

You studied, but you interpret it wrongly. Just as those who studied just to pass an exam?

The way I see it, the US, Israel, Britian, France, Russia and Serbia have all their military forces spread around the world. Do u see Muslims doing that?

[ Last edited by  RainbowSix at 21-3-2007 06:59 PM ]

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Post time 21-3-2007 06:55 PM | Show all posts
The amount of attention, animosity, replies in this thread, I think we can classify this thread "Forum Thread of The Year Malaysia 2007".

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Post time 21-3-2007 06:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #223 Debmey's post have studied it but maybe you not UNDERSTAND it properly....
full of misconceptions my friend....based from the history muslim people must raise their arms when there have threat from protect their faith and beliefs.... and in war..just believe the god will promise you heaven if you die and nice victory if you still live.give protection and being nice to the POW,dot harass them,dont burn the holy place,dont take the civilian properties, dont destroy the plant. and the muslim being aggressive when other try to destroy them,without mercy,wihout diplomacy,without warning. for example Malacca History...the Sultan was order to lock the Portuguese in 1509 because they want to make malacca for their military based, not for trading.And the portuguese treat the muslim from Goa very bad,Sultan dont want to it happen again in Malacca.
Spanish,Portuguese,Dutch,French,Britain are the real invaders and aggressive nation in 15-19th century ...
History is the proof...understand

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Post time 21-3-2007 07:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #225 mentosonline's post

What animosity? Do u see me insulting?

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Post time 21-3-2007 07:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #226 far-eiq's post

I think this argument is quite pointless. Firstly, Israel planning for the Lebanon war has absolutely nothing to do with the security situation in SEA, apart from causing some radicalism aka terrorism. Secondly, we should just accept the fact that this war ended in a stalemate, with both sides acheiving their short-term objectives failing to acheive complete victory. Thirdly, unless the warmongering Arabs and Jews decide to be sincere about their peace process, we are unlikely to see the creation and recognition of the state of Palestine.

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Post time 21-3-2007 07:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #227 RainbowSix's post

Like calling him (you know who I mean) a dubuk. That compliment is to good for him. He deserves much less . Ok just joking, but this argument is becoming more off pointing out that the other side is wrong and ignoring their own side's wrongs.

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Post time 21-3-2007 07:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #229 mentosonline's post

Yeah, I know its unfair.

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Post time 21-3-2007 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mat_toro at 21-3-2007 01:56 PM
Watch the program if you have the chance... It didn't say the entire of Tel Aviv... it said certain quarters only...

There are 1.3 million Arab ctizens in Israel and they can live in any town they wish. You cant find support for your claim even on Palestinian propaganda sites.

And yeah... build a mosque and claim to be liberal... it dont matter if you kill Arabs on a daily basis... "Look! We already built a mosque!  Now get off our backs and let us kill Arabs as usual!"... Ha! Ha! Hypocrisy!!

1.5 years ago Israel pulled out from gaza strip. Since then Palestinians drastically increased rocket fire at nearby towns and villages. Over 1000 rockets were fired. Israel fired back.

3 month ago Israel agreed for cease fire. Despite it Palestinians continue to fire rockets almost every day. Israel does not retaliate yet. However in one day Israel's patiense wil come to an end, and we will fire back. Then you wil again start to cry, aww cruel Israelis attack poor innocent Arabs.

Now tell me... aren't there non-Muslim peaceniks running around in Palestine??  Does Islam allow Muslims to consume alcohol??  Would hardcore non-Muslim hating terrorists adhere to requests for them to move as to allow a non-Muslim prayer service to be held??

Fatah terrorists (that were in Church) are not hardcore Muslims unlike Hamas.  But even some Hamas drink.

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Post time 22-3-2007 01:12 PM | Show all posts
The soldiers didn't do anything at all. How can you say they are not innocent?
How would you like it if Singapore kidnaps two msia soldiers? Can we say its justified cos they ain't innocent?

They were part of Israeli force illegally occupying a disputed territories. They were of Israeli force who sometime intrude in Lebanese airspace with aircrafts which directly intrude the sovereignity of Lebanon.

They are terrorists. They always target civilians.

Much like IDF. They terrorised the entire Lebanon with indiscriminate bombings of innocent Lebanese civvies.

They had uniforms but didn't wear them during the war.
have you ever seen a hezbo before?

They've been vid footages of Hezbs militias aplenty on the web. I guess you also never seen one, right?

The look and behave excatly like terrorists.

They're freedom fighters. They're legit militia as per Lebanon law.

No they don't. They actually blame hezbos for creating trouble for lebanese.

Hezb militia provided guards even amongst non-Muslim residential areas during IDF assault. The minority may blamed Hezbs, but the majority supports 'em.

tactical retreat? sound smore like having their asses kicked by idf.

Yeah, tactical retreat. Because, after IDF pulled out of Lebanon, the Hezbs paraded their rockets, the guerillas treated as national heros of Lebanon for actually standing up & humiliating the IDF.

he's scared. takut.
olmert, netanyahu, bush are targets too, they didn't go into hiding.

Nasrallah is a leader of a significant militia movement that can stand up to IDF. He is a prime target for Mossad-engineered assasination. It'd be bloody stupid to reveal his exact location.

Where's Olmert during the war ... yess, at Tel Aviv, which is far from the ravages of war.

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Post time 22-3-2007 01:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #232 Robotech's post

:setuju: :setuju: :setuju:

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Post time 22-3-2007 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Nick ...

How would you react if Singapore was killing 8 Msia soldiers patrollong the border and kiling another 2? It were not "sporadical clashes", but Hezie provocations. Time to time Hezies used to attack Israeli soldiers. In most cases these attacks failed, but evenntucally they succeed. After the war they ceased these provocations, no single bullet was fired.

We would file international protest, & demanded reparation while arming our borders to the teeth. But then again, that's irrelevant because MY & SG son't have military tensions at all.

The Bekaa Valley is disputed area, where both forces clashed sporadically. How about the IDF aircrafts that often intruded Lebanese airspace, & its operation to target Hezbollah (or in the past, Syrian targets).

According to UN resolutions Hezies suppose to be disarmed. So they are ILLEGAL.

Oh puhleez. Don't pull UN crap on me. Israel has repeatedly ignored UN resolutions, so why must we pulled the UN definition on Hezbs. Double standard. Within Lebanon law, Hezbolah is legal. That is what matters.

Nonsense. Dead Israeli soldiers did not fall in hands of Hezies. Beside two captured soldiers who were most probably killed. Hezies get all equipment from Syria and Iran.

Dead Israeli soldiers are not kept by Hezbs. But their equipment like night vision goggles, infantry helmets, grenades, assault rifles has being shown up in Hezbs' inventories. Those were spoils of war.

Shiites support Hezies. While majority of Lebanese Christians and Sunnis hate them.

Sunnis supplied fighters to join the fight with Hezbs. Nearly a third of Hezbs memberships are from Sunni faction. The Christian neighborhood were guarded by Hezbs during the last incursions, & Hezbs organised safe evac of Christians to northern Lebabon to escape IDF bombardment.

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Post time 22-3-2007 01:35 PM | Show all posts

Why don't you recall that it was muslims who invaded and occupied spain to begin with?

Why don't you recall during those Moorish occupation, the Al-Andalus or Islamic Spain stands like a crowning beacon while medieval Europe bathed in the darkness known as the Middle Age?

The Christians & Jews live alongside Muslims with freedom of religion & peace for nearly 800 years in Al-Andalus.

When the Spain was claimed back in reconquista, the Muslims & Jews were expelled, some died horribly at the hands of Christian Inquisitions, & other Muslims Spaniards were forced to embrace Christianity or death.

Hell, it was the Muslim Ottoman that sheltered the Jews when Christian Europe began their Inquisition against the Jews.

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Post time 22-3-2007 01:47 PM | Show all posts
Columbus was an explorer, he did not invade.

He certainly did with his small armada. Thanks to him, within a few decade, the indigenous people from Cuba practically died out through slavery & foreign infectious disease brought by the Europeans. His exploration paved the way for the destruction of Mayan civilisation by Spaniard conquistadores!

The Israelis did not invade. They return to their land.

They already lived there during British occupation. Guess what the British suffers at the hand of Jewish terrorists (where even Ariel Sharon was part of).

the crusades came in response to 400 years of muslim invasion and occupation.
had there not been the jihads, there would not have been a crusade.

The Crusade is more on greed than anything. If not, why the Crusaders ransacked Byzantine in 1204 AD who called for their help.

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mat_toro This user has been deleted
Post time 22-3-2007 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nick_Perelman at 21-3-2007 08:39 PM

There are 1.3 million Arab ctizens in Israel and they can live in any town they wish. You cant find support for your claim even on Palestinian propaganda sites.

When did I quote a Palestinian site??  Are you illeterate??

1.5 years ago Israel pulled out from gaza strip. Since then Palestinians drastically increased rocket fire at nearby towns and villages. Over 1000 rockets were fired. Israel fired back.

3 month ago Israel agreed for cease fire. Despite it Palestinians continue to fire rockets almost every day. Israel does not retaliate yet. However in one day Israel's patiense wil come to an end, and we will fire back. Then you wil again start to cry, aww cruel Israelis attack poor innocent Arabs.  

What cease fire??  The one where the zionists sent out more illegal settlers to evict Palestinian villagers at gun point??  And you think the Palestinians wouldn't lose their patience too??  "Boohoo... the Arabs fired first!!  We just went in to rob their lands and they fired rockets at us!! Bad Arabs! Baaadd Arabs!!"

Fatah terrorists (that were in Church) are not hardcore Muslims unlike Hamas.  But even some Hamas drink.

For this I'd like to quote you... "You cant find support for your claim"...

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Post time 22-3-2007 06:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #237 mat_toro's post

You guys are sounding more and more by debmey.

Anyway, IDF certainly does not do discriminate bombing of Lebanon. You think they so free to waste bombs and whack civilians, an act which will only force them to join Hezbollah? I think you guys have been fooled by the Hezbollah propaganda effort, the same one that caused Arab outrage at IDF. I read somewhere that the Hezbollah press tours given to Western Journalists were very restricted to certain areas and they only showed the wreckage and not what was under the wreckage. I'm very sure IDF, being the most efficient fighting force in the world, can tell that weapons and terrorists were stored in these areas, but like every other army, it's not perfect, and sometimes mistakes happen.

Besides, you guys are also ignorant to the fact that Hezbollah fired thousands of rockets into Israel before, during and after the war, most of them directed at the civilian population there. If that is not part of terrorism, then your view is very limited and biased.

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Post time 22-3-2007 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Why don't you recall during those Moorish occupation, the Al-Andalus or Islamic Spain stands like a crowning beacon while medieval Europe bathed in the darkness known as the Middle Age?

So you do agree that it was muslims who inavded Europe huh?
Was Spain a crowning beacon? Nope, there were many other thriving civilisations all across Europe. So advanced, they kicked the muslims off Spain.

The Christians & Jews live alongside Muslims with freedom of religion & peace for nearly 800 years in Al-Andalus.

Not true, there was persecution and dimitude was practiced.

When the Spain was claimed back in reconquista, the Muslims & Jews were expelled, some died horribly at the hands of Christian Inquisitions, & other Muslims Spaniards were forced to embrace Christianity or death.

True. Many more Christians and Jews died horribly through the jihads too.

Hell, it was the Muslim Ottoman that sheltered the Jews when Christian Europe began their Inquisition against the Jews.

And it was the Muslims who persecuted Jews through a millenium. Thats why you find more Jews in Europe than in the middle east in the 19th century.

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Post time 22-3-2007 11:17 PM | Show all posts
He certainly did with his small armada. Thanks to him, within a few decade, the indigenous people from Cuba practically died out through slavery & foreign infectious disease brought by the Europeans. His exploration paved the way for the destruction of Mayan civilisation by Spaniard conquistadores!

Columbus never led an armada in his life. you must be mad.

They already lived there during British occupation. Guess what the British suffers at the hand of Jewish terrorists (where even Ariel Sharon was part of).

Yes, Jews have always lived in Israel. They never left the Holy land even under severe persecution.

The Crusade is more on greed than anything. If not, why the Crusaders ransacked Byzantine in 1204 AD who called for their help.

The jihads are nothing but pure greed.
if the crusades was over greed, that evidence does not support it.

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