Kak fuzzy pun tak dapat pergi..sorry banyak banyak. Last minute plak mak & abah kak fuzzy ajak buat kenduri baca doa selamat kat rumah baru kak fuzzy tu. Kami adik beradik aje baca yassin sikit. Dia orang cakap baik buat sebelum pindah sebab kak fuzzy plan nak pindah hari khamis ni.. tu yg tak dapat pegi tu..jgn serik ajak kak fuzzy ye. Insya Allah, kalau ada next week, kak fuzzy nak gi. |
hehehe rugi korang tak gi..... private lesson tuhh....
pastu syah masak sedaaaapp.... exotic food.... arab2 sket...
kul 9 baru balik .... blaja sket, makannnye banyak heheheh:pmuka::pmuka: |
kak eva .. nanti nak gamba.... nanti i'll pm u my email address ek...
or kalau boh online... u can pm me the link....... :love::love: |
lady_sis This user has been deleted
ruginyee xpegi! tamarind dkt ngn umah! baru bace forum ni..minat gak nk belly dancing..hehe |
erk.. kita tak tau pape pun pasal belly dancing.. best ke? |
bab gelek2 nie yg best tau gals.... |
Originally posted by KaKLaLa_Lost_id at 4-11-2006 11:35 PM
bab gelek2 nie yg best tau gals....
belly tu menari mcm mana tu?:hmm: |
arab kot...lala suka yg arab....
tanya mz_tera |
sorry tak dapat pergi...
dah siap2 nak kuar dah..
on d way kuar opis terserempak ngan boss..
dia suh standby la plak..
coz ari ni memang ada majlis terbuka kat opis..
ramai plak yg datang especially org luar..
staff tak pulak cukup..
Dah berangan2 nak mendancingkan belly nih.. |
hi ladies!! semalam tak sempat update...sampai umah dah kul 11!! mandi2 terus tido :kant:
sape2 yg tak dapat pegi, takper...insyaAllah akan ada next class...we r planning to do it again bcoz it was sooooo much fun!!!
me, bb, kak eva & friend sampai paling awal..around 4.40 gitu....
janji kul 4...but mmg kl jem teruk..:geram:
then cikgu kita sampai!! she is sooo beautiful...with such to-die-for skin, dgn putih bersihnya..:love:
then babycake lak sampai..she is tall!!! and ur skin is improving girl..:ah:
next to arrive..tera! another tall & -to-die-for body...:jeling:
the last one to arrive, prego...so petite and comey..and i think i've met u b4 laa..:stp:
then kitorg start laa kelas dalam kul 5.45 gitu.....
warm up first...then ziehah taught us the basic steps...
nampak cam senang, tapi mau tergeliat urat2 nak get it right...
macam2 ziehah ajar...camel, horizontal 8, vertical 8, flick, drop, lift, shimmy..:gila:
advance pon ader ziehah ajar gak..heheh
we ended our session around 7.30 gitu...
pastu, makan time!!!!
syah cooked such scrumptious food!!! ader cous-cous (camni ker eja?), chicken wings, lamb, stew, 3 types of salads...kenyang sgt2 kitorg!! kuih2 raya pon ada!!
belajar sikit..makan banyakkk!!!
naziehah, thanks so much dear for ur class...
i had such great fun yesterday, and looking forward for another session with u...:tq: :tq:
ahysa, thanks for hosting such a great session for us...habis rumah berterabur...
and the food!!! ur fiance is soooo lucky ehh... u can ook mean dishes!
thanks dear..:tq:
to bb, kak eva & friend, babycake, tera & prego..thanks so much for coming & making this session so enjoyable & fun...
and thanks for being so sporting too....i haven't had so much fun in ages!!
hope we can get together for another session again!! :pompom: :pompom: |
goshh..had so much fun yesterday,walopon aku ni ekceli pemalu,jenis lambat nak warm up ngan org,org slalu kate aku snobbish skit....tp with u guys around mmg beshhh.....really looking forward to see u guys again..n yeah another belly dancing session plz..
shah masak best...moi dah lah amik coklat paling byk,pastu leh lak nyesal tak tapau chicken wing ngan lamb skali..hahak..ekceli nak kasi my father tutop mulut psl aku balik lewat2...klu ade makanan musti tak byk ckp..hahah
zihah : i might need notes on what we'd covered yesterday,somethin wrong with my short term memory laa,dah lufe name2 steps tu...i ingat "tolak pintu"...keh keh..tp ingat balik bile baca posting haz..klu ade notes...leh refer balik bile lufe n practise..practise..practise...
and mase tgh syok2 berbelly dancing tuh..ade plak malaun kat building sebelah skodeng kitaorang...siap bawak member plak tuh...so..kena tutop tirai...heh..heh(habis laa u syah..hehe)..aiseh lufe nak teropong balik diorang..so tak tau hensem ke idak....
everyone was so sweet:love::love:....sgt berbaloi perjalanku yg terlajak ituhh.. |
bestnye dengar korang nye updates .. ms ziehah ade mention abt doing the session around area shah alam .. would love to join the class after hearing you guys |
rugi sapa yg x pegi..it was good workout, marbelos food n triple great company... urat perut seme sakit...bukan sbb gelek tapi sbb gelak!!
cite bab gelek, i was d worst of d lot..hehehehe..keras cam kayu, cian cikgu cantik tuh nak mengajor..:lol but with d fun i had..id do it again anytime
ahysa, haz, sis eva & fren..heheheheh..sampai balik x abis2 kite gelak
[ Last edited by bbpie at 5-11-2006 02:20 PM ] |
jeleznyerrrr....grrrr...but happy for u guys yg had fun...
meleleh2 air liur ni....bukan part makan aje tau,part gelek2 juga:mll: |
Originally posted by babycake at 5-11-2006 11:26 AM
goshh..had so much fun yesterday,walopon aku ni ekceli pemalu,jenis lambat nak warm up ngan org,org slalu kate aku snobbish skit....tp with u guys around mmg beshhh.....really looking forward to se ...
ko mcm aku gak ler, lambat mesra ngan org |
Reply #313 bbpie's post
amboii...gelakkan sape nih? |
Reply #316 mrs_livingstone's post
esp. klu ramai2 skali..lg lah aku jadik pendiam...tp klu mcm one on one..aku byk ckp gituh..kui kui kui |
Originally posted by missylees at 5-11-2006 02:28 PM
gambau mane?? :ketuk:
gamba privilege tuk yg dtg jerhhh...:nana: |
| |
Category: Wanita & Lelaki