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Author: Agul

With Great Responsibility Comes Great Power

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2007 10:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18 ajinomotonosuga's post

My post is mainly about accepting total responsibility for everything that happens in our life. if you want to be more empowered, accept total responsibilities for everything that comes to your observation, your world or your reality.

Regarding your question, I guess, the baby has certain power mainly by proxies. A mother is encoded with deep love for their child, and will protect them.

I read back my-a;ja's post ans saw that she has written the same thing...

I guess mothers know it best.

[ Last edited by  Agul at 9-10-2007 10:16 PM ]

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Post time 15-10-2007 04:34 PM | Show all posts
oang kurang upaya has his or her own abilities, despite the obvious disabilities.

because normal person tend to FOCUS on his or her disabilities, in the long run the unfortunate 'accept' he or she has no capability at all

i am talking about ATTTITUDE.

what is one's attitude regarding 'acceptance' i.e. in the state of helplessnes, state of despair etc.

saya buleh cite dari sudut logotherapy , by Victor Frankyl isu Agul bawak tuh.

from responsibility came power , misalnya soal endurance, how one endure masalah or in trauma or dalam ISA , to survive.

kalo kita refine, Agul cita pasal attitude regarding awareness , on how each  human has the capability to choose, freedom to choose despite in most despicable situation contoh jadik tahanan perang tunggu masa nak kene siksa untuk informasi etc.

tapi isu nya, in order to choose one's action that is to response to any event in or outside individu TETAP memerlukan TENAGA, hatta to think of something , already done a few electricity charges dalam brain

even those spermatoza benih lelaki berenang carik telur wanita untuk salah satu nya tembus masuk pun ADA TENAGA

so kita boleh kata POWER IS A GIFT.  How this powerr is manage or BEING MISMANAGED itu soal SIKAP

dan apa stan lee ucap itu ialah PERINGATAN supaya bersikap bertanggung jawap (jawap pada apa kamu tanggung nanti, jangan cabut lari or menipu or takut2 , kene berani)

then bila lepas satu phasa (bertanggungjawap, responsibility accordingly) individual akan BEROLEH ganjaran dan naik phasa or darjat or dalam bahasa moden kita sebut BERMUTU berkualiti, can endure further challenge (future, futuristic)

instead calling it power (apa yang dimaksudkan Agul) saya lebih prefer to call it KNOWLEDGE or ilmu.

power is ENTRUSTED, since the beginning dari benih mani setitis air jadik manusia sampai ler dia power is given.
tapi knowledge or ilmu is self built along the gift of power (read motion). Orang macam Stephen Hawkings, paralysed seluruh , brain motor dia rosak tapi sangat berpengetahuan malah di katakan soang genius in physics. He is powerless? Where does he derived his power? What makes him keep on living? What is his attitude?

Obviously he is so much IN LOVE WITH KNOWLEDGE, this is true power. The love of wisdom, philosophy.

Maybe kalo kita pi rumah sakit , jumpa oang sakit, oang kurang upaya, pi rumah anak yatim masih kecil or pi rumah orang tua yang nak mati, i think boleh apply wisdom Agul tersebut, kira macam satu motivasi esp tahanan ISA

tapi kalo kita di minta nasihat oleh general perang, ketua darjah, ketua pengawas, oleh super hero macam cicakman, i stick pada nasihat Stan Lee itu.

and that is my view this moment hihihihi wasalam.



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Post time 16-10-2007 09:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #17 ajinomotonosuga's post

there is no TWO of anything, it is always the ONE, that makes u feel , think, there are two three four..etc. in life.

i agree with this...tQ for the explaination   

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Post time 16-10-2007 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 9-10-2007 12:12 AM
It's natural to be selective.

Could you love everyone?

Well, of course you could.

Really needs practise though.

in the PULL thread we discuss widely abt this
the ability to give love without any expectation in return
LOVE is such a big word...what makes the meaning so small is our HUMAN tendency
to be selfish abt is just not just abt man and woman IMHO that is what
most of us like to think of...when we come across the word LOVE
what abt for our parents/siblings/frens and foes < well certain kind of foe that is>

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2007 09:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #24 dutchy's post

Dut, I forgot about this...

well, I don't really forgot just being sidetracked and occupied with other thing. It is really something that you must do, and practise often.

reading just doesn't cut it.

And it is P.U.L. not PULL...

The thing is LOVE is too big to be made small...

Although you might pull a love or two into your life...

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Post time 24-10-2007 12:35 AM | Show all posts
At first reading of the topic, I thought it was rather wierd...! I am of the opinion that even the normal saying is erroneous in reality. I think great power comes from great knowledge..............somewhat in line with aji's opinion, I think.

Talk about any power, there is sure to be a related knowledge that fuels or propels it. Responsibility is an innovation of great minds introduced to contain the power. It alone cannot produce power. Even the lowest of caste have responsibilities towards the community but where is their power?



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 Author| Post time 25-10-2007 06:54 PM | Show all posts
It's total responsibilities, in personal life.

No, they never accept personal responsibilities. Most of them are of victimised mentality. Dissatisfied with their lots. They usually blames other, for all the dissatisfaction in their life. They don't own what happens in their life. They give their responsibilities, and then their power to others.

It's not what people normally call as responsibilities. It's beyond that.

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Post time 26-10-2007 10:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #27 Agul's post

Am not sure if I follow you here(?)

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Post time 27-10-2007 12:44 AM | Show all posts
with more money, comes busier schedule... you'd definitely not having much free time when you're rich!

but, for great responsibility comes great power.. i have to agree with that. but i was be powerful, i'd just do my responsibility at best.

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2007 03:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #28 hamizao's post

If something good happens in our life, we are responsible for it. If there is something bad, we get cheated, treated badly (or anything), it's  the same thing. See, look what I've done to my life...

It's the same thing. Somebody succour punch you out of the blue, you are responsible. Anything.

This might sound crazy, far off or cruel. But there a people who lives by this rules. For example you can research Huna.

The moment we blame other for everything good or bad in our life, that's the moment that we gives our personla power to other. And we become helpless.

Believe me some people really take this too the extreme. They take everything, and I really mean everything that comes into their attention as their sole responsibilities. Even calamities adn disaster. Although some might argue about that.

And this doesn't mean they are being taken adavantage of by others. It's much deeper than that. Yes, I am responsible for the magnificient cost of living and quality of life in Malaysia.

Mind boggling. But it could be a good belief to be adopted, tested and experimented in our life.



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Post time 27-10-2007 04:27 PM | Show all posts
with great responsibility comes great power -------- this is merely acknowledgement

with great power comes great responsibility --------- this is an awareness

the former is goal and the latter is action.

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 Author| Post time 30-10-2007 12:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #31 ajinomotonosuga's post

What if by accepting total total blame/credit for everything and everyone gives you anything. Nothing matters. No one matters. Any situation, anyone is nothing and has no effect upon you unless you let them to.

Zero limits.

Blaspshemy? Foolish Thought? Lunacy?

Only the hard thing is how we can temporarily load this belief system into our mind, removing other belief and experiment objectively if it is true. Just like booting into diffrent operating system.

What if the most important action, the action that really matters is not of the outwardly showy type but all those forces brewing under the background?


Reboot. Reboot.

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Post time 9-11-2007 01:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 27-10-2007 04:27 PM
with great responsibility comes great power -------- this is merely acknowledgement

with great power comes great responsibility --------- this is an awareness

the former is goal and the lat ...

Cabaran besar aku camna nak mengemblengkan sibijak pandai utk bersatu in a more structured manner bagi kemaslahatan  masyarakat yg lebih besar diluar sana........Fadilah Kamsah ngan bukunya.....Tengku aziz ngan ideologinya........tough bro...... Lagi besar serta tinggi ilmu org2 kita harini...lagi besar nampaknya ego masing2 kadang2 tu, walaupun aku tak menuding jari pada sesiapa......

maaf kalau agak tersasar sikit dari perbincangan ....mmm



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Post time 9-11-2007 07:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by manakautau at 9-11-2007 01:14 AM

Cabaran besar aku camna nak mengemblengkan sibijak pandai utk bersatu in a more structured manner bagi kemaslahatan  masyarakat yg lebih besar diluar sana........Fadilah Kamsah ngan bukunya.. ...

term UNIT is derived from word UNITY
dari sesuatu paling besar macam kosmos kita dan paling kecik macam micro bakteria semua itu, it is a unit

itu yang aku sebut , setiap kejadian itu sistem..setiap sistem itu juga unit

kalo takmo istilahkan ianya unit , kita sebut a part , pun tetap unit juga kalo kita amik kefahaman HOLOGRAM.

macam mana nak menyatukan sesuatu yang sedia bersatu.. a unit (unilateral, unitarian, unity, union, etc)

maka itu usaha ke arah itu wajar di lihat dalam term 'unity in diversity'

nature as a UNIT, di dalamnya ada pelbagaian yang terpecah pada unit nya sendiri, saling bergantungan satu sama lain.

kalo setiap unit semuanya sama, walo bukan sama kelompok, tadak lah term 'different strokes move the world'

pada aku, manusia telah lama  di sogok 'konsep pertandingan' atau competition , ni masalah nya. konsep hidup bukan pertandingan, tapi kita di didik bertanding untuk pastikan survival

konsep hidup sebenarnya ialah mengenai pencerahan ..menghadirkan keterangan or cahaya.

Bukan gelap bertanding dengan terang..bukannya kalo takdak terang maka gelap tapi gelap itu ada DISEBABKAN tiada cahaya. Ni konsep hidayah. Kalo kita belakangkan matahari (cahaya), apa depan kita? Bayang bayang.. btui?

apa pun yang besor semua asalnya kecil. cahaya kecil lama2 buleh besar. gelap kecil lama2 buleh besor. sejuta batu perjalanan kita pun awalnya satu tapak, satu part, satu unit.

power is energy, cahaya or light is energy, gelap or darkness bukan energy. power lifts u up so skop u luas or break down any barrier so the light would come in so u become powerful (more power).

darkness is an old friend but light is eternal friend. (Happy Deepavali, the festival of light)

the problem is how to maintain the momentum of enlightenment without falling back into darkness?



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 Author| Post time 9-11-2007 09:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #33 manakautau's post

Macam mana hebat pun mereka, tentulah ada benda yang kita tak setuju dan mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza.

Apa yang bagus, baguslah... yang tak bagus tu kita buang je...

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Post time 11-11-2007 09:22 AM | Show all posts
definitely. given responsibilities one has be in power otherwise nothing can get done. but there are some people who misuse the power given for their own use.



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Post time 11-11-2007 11:01 AM | Show all posts
With Great Responsibility Comes Great Power

To me, it is another way. With great power comes great responsiblity. Take leader as an example, the higher your rank as a leader, you have more responsibility towards your subordinate or people under you.



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 Author| Post time 11-12-2007 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Egg or chicken?

I'm leaning more on the personal responsibilities angle, rather than outside bounded responsibilities. Take full responsibilities of your life, then the sky's your limit...

Regarding the kind of responsibilities that people talk about here... Assumed responsibilities, as a kind of a mantle given by others, (things I would refer as accountability, since I make distinction between responsibilities and accountabilities as before and after thing...) My translation may be correct, or not, it may or may not agree with most peoples view. It's all semantic by the way...

What most people refer here is the kind of responsibilities leaders are expected to have, or perform. Their accountabilities to the person.

If you're a teacher, and you saw a responsible(1), trustworthy, diligent, reliable, respectable, dependable student.

A. Would you place him/her in leadership position at school? Giving him power as a class representatve/monitor/school prefect? or;

B. Would you take anybody in this class at random, giving him/her the responsibilities(2) of being a class representative/monitor/school prefect? Assuming that when you give him the title (or power) first, he would magically  transform into a  trustworthy, diligent, reliable, respectable, dependable student?
Assuming that, with great power, comes great responsibilities...

Would you choose A, or B?

If you choose A then is it safe to say that you agree that "With great responsibilities, comes great power"?

If you choose B then is it safe to say that you agree that "With great power, comes great responsibilities"?

Of course, if we changed the Stan lee's saying into "With great power comes great accountabilities" it would make more sense, and more workable.

What's your take?

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:22 AM | Show all posts
melihat senario kepemimpinan di dalam negara, tempat kerja, pendidikan dll
samada orang dewasa mahupun pelajar...

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