A college grad named Rebecca Bloomwood Isla Fisher moves to Manhattan to nurture her shopping addiction and get involved in the New York magazine world. Though she is up to her neck in debt, Rebecca becomes a financial advice columnist and even manages to fall for a wealthy entrepreneur. A film adaptation of the novels The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic (Confessions of a Shopaholic in US) and Shopaholic Abroad (Shopaholic takes Manhattan in US) by British chick lit author Sophie Kinsella, using the novel's American title Confessions of a Shopaholic.
It is set to be released on 26th March 09 in Malaysia.
can't wait for this movie...buku da baca tggu movie pulak...suka ngn tagline dia...hahaha...
to get a new job...hopefully
to get a new man...possibly
to get a new handbag...absolutely!