agelgold This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 17-1-2007 03:15 PM
Tak banyak pun..cuma enam ekor jer..Dwarf Rabbit ni cemana rupanya? Mahal tak?
err... aku ni cakap je pandai. tak reti sangat pun hal ehwal rabbit. tapi dwarf ni kira macam ayam katik versi rabbit la kot. dia tak jadi besar panjang. menten comel je gitu |
Arrr!! I can imagine! Must be so cute! Dah beli nanti paste gambar kat sini.. |
Tiga budak hitam..main dalam bilik..
agelgold This user has been deleted
ni ahli keluarga sama ke? elok pulak kaler dia itam |
Ya..bapak dia yg gemok warna itam..mak dia warna brown..
My rabbit beranak lagi..6 ekor..tapi dia makan seekor..tinggal 5..
So now i have 8 ekor anak rabbit..yoohhooo... |
Reply #33 Ice_Q's post bile dah banyak2 jual ke bagi org je?
rabbit2 tue ada sakit2 tak? |
Rabbit tu so far takde sakit-sakit..sihat waalfiat jer semua..kecuali 5 ekor anak yg baru lahir tu..Baru lahir semalam..too early utk tentukan ia sihat ke sakit ke, kan..Bulu pun belum tumbuh lagi..
Mak ice cadang nak jual le kalau banyak sangat..Tapi so far lom offer kat sesapa lagi..sayang..comel-comel belaka arnab ni.. |
Reply #35 Ice_Q's post ice
nak jual ke?how much |
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 16-1-2007 10:47 PM
Si Fifii pulak, dah ada husband iaitu rabbit asal kami (Tom). Kawin muda dia nih..
Inilah Tom yg kesepian hingga ice terpaksa carikkan gf untuknye..Tom ni manja and macam badang. Tenaga kuat.. ...
Rabbit-rabbit ice nie baka apa ye? Ada sesiapa yg tahu?
Me try tengok kat x dapat determine: |
[Information] Determining whether it's a boy or girl
The sexing of Rabbits, even at a very young age, is comparatively simple, but like very many aspects of rabbit keeping, it is best learned by a little practical guidance from a knowledgeable person. Apart from the sex organs there is generally little difference between the appearance of the sexes although the buck often has a broader head and is usually the smaller of the two.
The easiest way of sexing a rabbit is to hold the rabbit with the palm of one round the back of the rabbits head, with the thumb in front of the ears, and with the rabbit lying on its back on the operators lap. With the other hand, the thumb and index finger (or the index and middle fingers) are used to gently press on either side of the sex organ. A
t around six weeks of age, the organ of the buck will appear rounded whilst that of the doe will be slit-like or V-shaped.
Gambarajahnya boleh didapati and article ini adalah dari: |
Ni baby bunny kesayangan wat masa ni..
Si Choco yg gomok lagi manja..
Rite now dia tgh teman ice berforum dalam bedroom..dia tgh syok makan limau

Cepat betul dia gemuk...kuat makan.. |
Macam mana nak pegang rabbit?
Thread ni akan ice guna utk paste rabbitcare tips yg ice dapati from websites..
Sumber: RabbitRehome
How to Pick Up Your Rabbit
Many rabbit owners have difficulty when it comes to picking up their rabbit. Contrary to popular belief rabbits are often not very keen on being handled and may wriggle, kick out and even bite when you try to pick them up. In this article you will find instruction on how to pick up your rabbit as well as how to deal with some of the common handling problems.
Your Rabbit's Point of View
Being picked up is not a natural experience for you rabbit. They do not have wings and are not designed to fly through the air at great (to a bunny) heights. Rabbits are prey animals and your hands reaching down to pick up your rabbit can seem very similar to being caught by a hawk or other preditor. A pet rabbits natural reactions are to fear being picked up and it takes time and patience for them to realise that being picked up by you is not going to cause them harm.
How not to Pick Up your Rabbit
Rabbits should never be picked up by the ears, legs or scruff. Doing so could result in serious harm to your rabbit.
If you can not carry your rabbit without it jumping from your arms then use a carry case as described below.
Lifting Your Rabbit

When lifting your rabbit you should use two hands, one supporting the chest and one supporting the bottom. If your rabbit is small enough you can position the hand supporting the chest with you thumb over their shoulder for a firmer grip. Hold the rabbit with its head slightly higher than its bottom and with the bottom slightly tucked in. This will help prevent the rabbit kicking out backwards or trying to do a forward summersault.
You should only move your rabbit short distances in this position, such as from the hutch to carry case, for longer distances the next step is to bring it closer to your body for a firmer hold.
Carrying Your Rabbit

To carry your rabbit you should either hold it close to your body or use a carry case (see below). There are several ways to hold your rabbit, you should use the one that your bunny feels most comfortable in and you feel most secure holding it.
The first position pictured is most suitable for smaller bunnies. Hold the rabbit facing you with all four feet against your chest. Place one hand supporting the bottom, holding it against your body to stop it kicking out and the other hand across the rabbits shoulders. If you put your thumb infront of the rabbits front leg it helps prevent attempted escapes over your your shoulder. Note: The bunny modeling in the photo is a perhaps a little on the large side for this technique.

The other position is like a hug using your arms to hold the bunny firmly against your chest. Hold your bunny sideways with its feet resting at your hip facing your right shoulder. Wrap you left arm across its body and support the chest with your hand, thumb over the shoulders, fingers underneath. Use your other hand to support the bottom, firmly to press her feet against you so he/she can't lift them to kick out. You might want to practice with a calmer bun/pillow first so you can get the position right.
Nervous Rabbits
Many rabbits are nervous about being picked up, they may have had bad experiences in the past and now associate being picked up as a nasty experience or just aren't used to be handled. With time and patients you can encourage them to feel more happy about the experience. If you need to carry your rabbit whilst you are working on building up its confidence then use the carry case technique mentioned later in this article.
You need to build up your bunnies confidence slowly. Sit near him/her and stroke, talk and offer yummy treats. Once your rabbit is happy with that gently pick them up (hand under chest) so just the front feet leave the floor and inch or so then put them back down and offer more praise and treats. A distraction such as a big pile of greens may help your bunny get used to this. Once your rabbit is comfortable with this you can introduce hand number two (bottom support) when you lift the front feet. To start with just put it under the bottom but still only lift the chest up. You can gradully build this up so you lift the bottom too and her back feet almost leave the ground. Again repeat this until your rabbit is not bothered by it. Progress to lifting an inch or two of the ground and then putting him/her down again. To get to this stage may take you several weeks of a few lifts a day.
The next stage is to introduce more movement. First review the section on lifting your rabbit above so you get the correct hold. You could sit next sit next to your rabbit and lift them on to your lap or move them across the floor. From there you can progress to slighly longer lifts and just keep building as your rabbit gets used to the new experience.
Aggressive Rabbits
A few rabbits may show agression when you try to pick them up. There are two possible reasons for this. Firstly your rabbit may be territorial of its home and see your hands as invaders and secondly your rabbit may be very scared of being handled.
Territorial behaviour is very common, particularly in unneutered females. Its characterised by growling, biting and lunging at your hands when you put them in to your rabbits space. The hutch and food bowl may be guarded viciously. Generally once in a neuteral environment away from their territory, such as being taken to play inside, the aggression disappears or much improves. The solution to this problem is neutering which helps in most cases although there may be a delay of several weeks after neutering, whilst the hormones reduce, for improvements to show. In the mean time you can by pass the problem by not putting your hands in the hutch, use a carry case instead.
If the agression is fear related then before you progress to picking up your rabbit you first have to gain its confidence. First it has to learn that you being around doesn't consitute a threat. Give it an old t-shirt you have worn to get it used to your smell. Then spend time sitting in your rabbits space, ignore it and make no sudden movements eventually it will learn that you aren't going to attack it when it comes close. Hand feed favourite foods and once it start coming to you start gently stroking it. Only once it is happy to be stroked and used to your presense can you move on to advanced things like picking it up.
Putting Your Rabbit Down Again
When putting your rabbit back into its house or on to the floor you need to be careful not to let it jump out of your arms. Many rabbits will attempt to leap down once they see their hutch. Hold the rabbit firmly until its feet are on the ground. Becareful as you let go as some rabbits kick out backwards when released. |
ain jangan bagitau marsya tau nanti marsya marah kita jom kita cari syamimi nanti marsya bagitau mak dia bagitau guru dia paham tuau ainsyakirah ingat tau kalau ain bagitau jugak kita tak nak kawan ain tau ok bye... |
eee...omeinya.... minat gak ngan rabbit tapi tak sanggup coz rabbit ni cepat mati..kan! |
Originally posted by bobbie80 at 1-2-2007 02:46 PM
eee...omeinya.... minat gak ngan rabbit tapi tak sanggup coz rabbit ni cepat mati..kan!
kalau tak silap, dalam website kata rabbit leh live hingga 10 tahun gituh..tapi maybe dia cepat mati total all baru bela dalam 5 bulan tatau lagi my rabbit bolh hidup berapa lama..
but they're adorable..enjoy them while you can  |
OMG ice!!!So very adorable la ur rabbits!!:love: :love:
rasa mcm nak bela rabbits je plk..sbb kite kurung je die,kan..and x berak merata.lgpun taik die x kuat sgt ye bau...
wow thank you ice for the great infos on rabbits!:tq:
i'm educated skjp psl rabbit nih hihih...
nnt lau nak jual ur rabbits tu war2 la kat sini yeq..
oh me pun ade usha rabbits kat Giant 13 shah alam..alohhh comeynyee...
rega RM35 x rabbits..murah ke rega gitu?
me mmg bodoh sket bab2 rabbits ni..kucing me tau larr...herr herr...:ting: |
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