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Author: Syd

Sampai bila nasib BUAYA Sarawak akan berterusan begini?

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Post time 4-10-2006 02:56 PM | Show all posts
or encyclopedia maybe???

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Post time 4-10-2006 02:57 PM | Show all posts


I haven't read the news for a while, and I couldn't believe what I saw on paper yesterday.

To Mr. Hatta Ariffin:
I am sorry that your son was killed (not because of the fact that he was killed by a crocodile, but simply because he was killed). And my sympathy for you and your family ends there.

So you believe that your son was killed by a crocodile. And you expect to find his remains in some crocodile after a month? The best you can get is probably some piece of shirt. And then what? You are going to continue butchering more and more crocodiles until you can assemble the skeleton of you son? When will it stop? And how many crocodiles have to be sacrificed?

Who is to blame for what happened? Crocodiles? Hell no. Animals are never guilty for anything. Just in case you don't know, animals don't have our sense of right and wrong. It's only right if they behave the way they're supposed to behave, like animals. So whose fault was it?

My guess is it's yours. Did you or did you not know that the river is a home to crocodiles? I bet you did. It's hard to believe that a native doesn't know it. Did you tell your kid not to swim there? Did you educate him to respect wildlife and their habitat? Did you do enough? Is it fair for crocodiles to pay for you own goddamn mistake?

I hope from this we all should know very well not to mess with wildlife, and not to interfere with their business. I would love to see Mr. Hatta did something to prevent tragedy like this from happening again, not by killing them crocs, but by educating villagers about the danger and our responsibility as humans, so that we call can coexist in harmony. I'd totally respect you had you do that.

But as long as you choose to hunt the crocodiles, I wish one of them will give you and your conspirators a pretty good tail-whip in the face. I won't be surprise nor sorry should any of you meet death in the process.

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BeanDiesel at 4-10-2006 02:57 PM
I haven't read the news for a while, and I couldn't believe what I saw on paper yesterday.

To Mr. Hatta Ariffin:
I am sorry that your son was killed (not because of the fact that he was killed  ...


p/s some did not, pity them. those brainless maniac.they are thinking that they own the planet.

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:05 PM | Show all posts

Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (Perhilitan) juga telah memberi kebenaran kepada penduduk kampung berkenaan memburu buaya yang panjang melebihi 1.4 meter di sungai tersebut selama enam bulan.

So any crocodile there longer than 1.4m deserve to die huh? WHY? Isn't 1.4m for a crocodile pretty damn small? Their tail is like half of the body already. Ridiculous.

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:07 PM | Show all posts
I hope he/she/whatever the gender is understand english..

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by firebird909 at 4-10-2006 02:26 PM
tadek, NONE of my family member kene baham dgn buaya, and for that reason i can't post any comments or opinions here? and i supposed was that u to determind the forumners' regulations here?

and  ...

i look stupid when i spiking english...:nerd:

bile plak aku yg determined rules forum?...sbb aku sndiri penah terkene ngan mangkuk hayun mane sound aku sbb aku nubies, nk citer psl agame pegi bod agame, jgn bising2 dlm bod gosip, padehal aku xde citer psl agame pon dlm tuh..aku pon set dlm minda aku, oh, dlm CARI nie nk diskas kene follow harp citer psl akhirat, hukuman kpd manusia2 yg bunuh buaye x bersalah, so tu dah specifically tmasuk dlm topic agame, korg nk diskas psl nas2 dlm al quran ngan hadith dlm nie ke?...nk aku leh join skaki...:pmuka:...pastu nk citer psl undang2 pemeliharaan binatang terancam, nk citer specifically pegi je bod legal, consumer etc tuh, aku pon salu nyemak dlm kat mane yg mnjadikan aku determined forumers guidelines?:nerd:

ko salah faham ape maksud posting aku ropenyer...psl aku ckp typical ppl, maksud aku korg bleh citer psl manusia yg bersalah, buaye x bersalah, buaye xde akal, sbb korg x berade dlm keadaan situasi bapak budak tuh...aku pon leh ckp mcm korg, bodoh la mak bapak budak tu, x jage anak dier, padan muke! fact, pak lah, bush, benazir butto maupon louis armstrong pon leh ckp cmtu..sbb ape?...sbb mcm aku ckp, xde saper yg leh tau ape prasaaan sebena sesuatu insiden tu kecuali yg merasainya sahaja!..aku backing tindakan bapak budak tu sbb tu la yg rasional utk, korg rase ade lagi ke rasional kalu anak yg kiter bela dr kecik, mati kene baham buaye yg lalu lalang dlm sg area umah kiter, mayat plak x jumpe, buaye tu pon x diketahui? yg xde prasaan je yg akan stil rasional...

aku bg soalan, aku yg jawab...pesal authorities x bgtau org kg tuh care yg aku bgtau tuh?...ape bahlol sgt ke authorities tu, iaitu org2 yg menegakkan keadilan kononnyer ade undang2 lindungi buaye?...baek korg yg backing buaye tu jd authorities berkenaan, advice, educate org kg...jgn salahkan org kg yg korg sndiri ckp not educated sbb tu diorg g bunuh je buaye tuh...cepat la apply keje ngan jabatan yg berkenaan..sblm lagi bnyk buaye kene bunuh, korg gak yg bising kang kan...thehehe...:nerd:

statemnt: alaaa, kalu bunuh 100 buaye pon bkn budak tu hidup balik...waaaa, bagus la statement nier...kalu cmtu, aku sajest x pyh la kiter implement penal code utk pembunuh...yela, x gune hukum diorg, bknnyer leh menghidupkan balik victim yg dier bunuh...same jugak x pyh la gune penal code utk caj/convict perogol, bkn dpt mengembalikan dare mangse dier kan...:setuju:...

ko tau ke sblm2 tuh dah bape bnyk org kene baham ngan buaye dlm srawak?...check statistik, aku x tau sbb aku bkn authorities yg x silap aku lebih dr 5/10 org la...


KPD BAPAK BUDAK TERSEBUT, U'VE GOT MY VOTE....bunuh je buaye2 yg korg jumpe...bunuh buaye pon bkn buaye pupus(dewa) kat mesia...

ingat!! stakat korg dr kecik sampai besar dok kat pekan, x penah jumpe sg/mandi sg, nk citer psl cintailah buaye pembunuh, x pyh la...mulut kiter sedap ckp psl animal rite, tp yg tgk, yg rase, yg sedih, yg terluke, mangsa/keluarga jugak...skali lagi, baek korg berdoa buaye tu dijumpai segera...:pmuka:...

lepas korg tgk bapak budak tuh, betape syg dier kat anak dier, dier bela dr kecik, mati kene baham ngan buaye (kiter x ckp psl kecuaian ok), pastu mayat/sisa x jumpe, buaye x jumpe, dah brape mggu, pastu balik umah tgk bini menangis siang mlm: imagine sume nie...patu br ckp ape erti rasional...

please kill that killer!!before anyone else killed!!

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by firebird909 at 4-10-2006 02:46 PM
okay, Dengan rasminyer aku mengisytiharkan majority forumners yang terlibat di thread ini BERSETUJU dgn SARANAN untuk menghentikan pembunuhan beramai-ramai buaya-buaya Sarawak dan juga BERSETUJU ba ...

so what kalu majority forumers adelah pro killer?...:nerd:ape yg korg dpt kalu korg majority pon...stil bapak budak tu akan jd crikey hunter (ganti steve)...laenla kalu korg otoriti yg berkenaan, dpt majority vote utk menghalang crocs massacre...kahkahkah...apepon aku percaye bapak budak tu akan membunuh lebih bnyk lagi buaye...u go man!!...

nie hukum alam: pembunuh perlu di bunuh!! x jumpe real pembunuh?! bunuh je yg lebih kurang same mcm pembunuh tuh...ok jugak!!...ingat!! korg yg nk sgt citer psl hukum alam...(bkn undang2 kan?):nerd:

tahniah krane ramai yg menjadi sahabat pmbunuh!!...

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:18 PM | Show all posts
sbb korg x berade dlm keadaan situasi bapak budak tuh...aku pon leh ckp mcm korg, bodoh la mak bapak budak tu, x jage anak dier, padan muke! fact, pak lah, bush, benazir butto maupon louis armstrong pon leh ckp cmtu..sbb ape?...sbb mcm aku ckp, xde saper yg leh tau ape prasaaan sebena sesuatu insiden tu kecuali yg merasainya sahaja!

well, maknanya kite takkan boleh condemn ape-ape tindakan orang lain, sebab kite tak berada dalam situasi yang sama dengan mereka. we can't blame Bush for attacking Iraq, because we have no idea what it's like to be him in his situation, right?

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #60 firebird909's post

ko aja anak2 ko psl sg melalui book/mags/tv ker?..pathetic!...

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 10/3/06 11:10 PM

please kill that killer!!before anyone else killed!!

he's not just killing the 'guilty' crocodile, he's killing (almost perhaps) any crocodile he captured.

Tell me. Is it about killing the crocodile that killed his son, or is it about finding the remains of his son?

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 4-10-2006 03:10 PM

i look stupid when i spiking english...:nerd:

bile plak aku yg determined rules forum?...sbb aku sndiri penah terkene ngan mangkuk hayun mane sound aku sbb aku nubies, nk citer psl agame p ...

hahaha..kira kes dah terkena sindir la dolu ni ..ekekke..tu bod gossip brader...dah terang2 derang cakap benda melalut..yg ko wat syarahan agama kat situ watpe?? kan dah kena sedass..ekekeke

ekceli, panjang tul penerangan ko ni sampai benazir butto pun masuk..deyy cheta pasala nape buaya2 kat sungai sarawak dibunuh atas alasan nak cari buaya yg bunuh seorang, takyah la pegi sampai ke pakistan nun..

aku pun org kampung la..ada gak sungai..(but no buaya)..tu pun dah kena sound ngan mak aku kena berhati2 jgn main kat situ..bukan masalah buaya saja..tapi mana tau..lemas ke..ape, ko paham tak point ytg aku nak a parent, ko kena la aware sket ngan ape yg anak ko wat, lelebih lagi yg dok kat tidak..nak tunjuk john plak..dah tau ada buaya kat sungai..awat gatai2 pi mandi, bijak ke tindakan tu???:cak:

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 10/3/06 11:17 PM
nie hukum alam: pembunuh perlu di bunuh!! x jumpe real pembunuh?! bunuh je yg lebih kurang same mcm pembunuh tuh...ok jugak!!...ingat!! korg yg nk sgt citer psl hukum alam...(bkn undang2 kan?)

that only applies to HUMANS for God's sake.

(:hmm: bapak budak tu pembunuh gak, sebab dia bunuh buaya-buaya yang didapati tidak 'bersalah'. so dia pun perlu dibunuh gak ye?)

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 4-10-2006 03:17 PM

so what kalu majority forumers adelah pro killer?...:nerd:ape yg korg dpt kalu korg majority pon...stil bapak budak tu akan jd crikey hunter (ganti steve)...laenla kalu korg otoriti yg berken ...

heheh..hukum alam erk..maksudnya..kalu ada org bunuh famili ko, ko bunuh la org pasal kan serupa sama..tu ke maksudnye???aku curious ni..

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aneboye This user has been deleted
Post time 4-10-2006 03:25 PM | Show all posts
apalah.. pasal boye pon nak gadoh... aku rilek jer pakai pisau cukur cap buaya... takder hal pon

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aneboye at 4-10-2006 03:25 PM
apalah.. pasal boye pon nak gadoh... aku rilek jer pakai pisau cukur cap buaya... takder hal pon

hahhahaa...u make my day la aneboye..opss.boye??ekekekkee

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aneboye This user has been deleted
Post time 4-10-2006 03:41 PM | Show all posts
buaya tak salah>>>> sebab ia haiwan tak berakal
budak yang dibaham>>> pon tak salah sebab walaupon berakal tapi budak-budak beb
En. hatta>>> bagi aku tak salah mungkin sebab terlalu sedih
Pihak berkuasa>>> bersalah membenarkan aktiviti  pembunuhan buaya beramai ramai
Ketua Kampung En. Hatta>>> bersalah kerana tidak memberi nasihat
Kerajaan negeri>>> bersalah kerana tidak menyediakan infrastruktur kemudahan perpaipan yang baik

Aku pulak>>> serba salah, takut-takut salah menyalahkan orang lain :hatdown:

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Post time 4-10-2006 03:54 PM | Show all posts
aku pun tak salahkan budak +famili budak tu..just aku rasa tak patut la jabatan perhilitan bagi permit bunuh boya sesuka hati sampai jumpa si pembunuh..tu aje..perasaam sedih seorang ayah kehilangan anak tersayang mmg menyedihkan aku..aku simpati dengan famili tu but tindakan susualn tu nampak cam tak kena gaya..tapi ada hamba Allah ni, punyala sakan setuju suruh bunuh semua buaya kat sungai sarawak..tu yg aku rasa tak patut la...


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aneboye This user has been deleted
Post time 4-10-2006 04:03 PM | Show all posts
Setuju dengan blueharp... tahniah di atas pendapat bernas anda

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Post time 4-10-2006 04:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #62 BeanDiesel's post

poster statement tuh nmpk sgt dok kat kl, pegi opis pg, balik keje ptg, mlm tgk tv tido, tu jela rutin harian dier...besh je ckp psl x educate children la, respect others la etc...worthiless la statement mcm nie...soh dier mati, idup balik, dok kat kg ade sg. penuh buaye, anak dier blaja berenang (normalla budak kg mandi sg), teteibe kene baham ngan buaye...mayat x jumpe, buaye tu x jumpe..pastu soh dier post balik...hehhe

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aneboye This user has been deleted
Post time 4-10-2006 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Sanay walla nang wakas.. salamad Po.. rilek la cik philipinoe2 .

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