mmg terisak2 lips tgk video ni... tak tahu nak kategorikan binatang jenis apa la yg kerat kaki Hero ni...
tergamak dia... ya Allah.... kita tgk muka kucing x kisah la walau dia comot pun, dah timbul rasa sayang tu..
mulia hati family yg ambik & jaga Hero ni... paling sedih tgk cara dia jalan... air muka dia pun dah buat lips sedih...
I got this little kitty about 2 months back
he was the nicest little kitty, now a pain in my crack
This little kitty is a ninja, always stalking my feet
This little kitty is a warrior you know what I mean
he's an evil little kitty look what he did to my hand
tries to get in trouble in any way that he can
I could give this cat a toy, but he'd rather have the wrapper
and I will always give him water, but he still drinks from the crapper
You could lock him in a closet and he just won't care
kitty chews on my shoes and he licks my hair
always scratching on my favorite chair and jumping on the couch
playing in the window sills and tearing through the house
He's so full of energy and easily amused
kitty will attack anything that moves
Causing trouble, starting battles just so he could be a little part of
he's a meanest little kitty so we named him sparta
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite
Where'd you go
are you stalking me?
are you under the couch, quite possibly
ears laid back so you don't get caught
ready to pounce my leg with everything that you got
I know you're probably watching me from across the room
concentrating contemplating on attacking me soon
You're not invisible kitty, I'm gonna find you first
Come out come out before I make things worse
I've seen where you hide and I know where you've been
Hey kitty why don't you give in
Even if you try to sneak up on me, I'm prepared
Cause I've got my safety gear on and I'm not scared
I think I hear a kitty cat under the bed
I know your making noises just to mess with my head
You can stalk me all you want, but I'm not your pray
cause you always seem to find me first, but not today
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
Come on out, I'm gonna get you now
I've got 'em cornered
and now he's mine
He's not gonna get away this time
I'll snatch him up fast before he can blink and then...
Aw man! He's asleep in the sink
What is with this cat? I'm confused
He's got a bed, but it's never been used
In every waking moment, kitty's out for the fight
then [fart] next minute kitty's out like a light
How could I let this creature live inside of my home
I gotta keep an eye on him when I'm on the phone
I'm a little afraid to leave this cat all alone
this kitty may destroy everything that I own
Look at him now, I kinda feel bad
He's the best little cat that I've had
and the one big thing I forgot to mention, was that
He wasn't fighting, he just wanted attention
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
showing love, that's all this kitty does
Ini video kucing kaki 3 aku. aku beri dia nama Cimb Bo sebab aku jumpa dia depan CIMB Bank. Umo dia masa jumpa tak lebih dari 3 bulan. Tak tahu cam mana dia dia survive dengan hanya 3 kaki dalam keadaan terbiar.
Sekarang Cimb Bo dah besar, dah ada anak sekor, warna putih.
sedihnya tgk kucing kudung tu... tak dpt bygkan cemana la org tu tergamak kerat kaki kucing....sakitnya lahai kucing tu....
jangan nanti tuhan balas keluarga dia dapat keturunan kudung dua2 tangan, padan muke!!
ni oci... kucing ni dah mati dengan agak tragik....aku sedih sampai skrang, wpun rasenya dah 2 tahun lebih kejadian tu berlaku....
kucing pemberian bandi (penyanyi kump amuk)
Post Last Edit by pocongkiutss at 6-5-2010 23:48
salam kawan2...aku sedih sgt tgk video ni..kucing tu cuba nk selamatkn kawan die, even dh mati pun dia pun dia still usaha bg cpr kt kawan dia
dia x bg org dekat kt kwn dia tu..dekat 2 jam dia tggu..x lama pas tu vet dtg nk selamatkn kwn die tu, x sempat dah
sedih sgt2
This stray cat was filmed in Turkey( Kızılsaray district of Antalya ) trying to reanimate his female friend who got hit by a car. Even though some people tried to help him, the white cat wouldn't let them come near for two straight hours. Finally a vet arrived and took the injured cat. Sadly, it was too late and he couldn't resuscitate the feline.
suami saya juga jatuh pengsan ditepi jalan dan terus pergi utk selamanya 3 minggu yg lps..
sama sgt mcm kucing ni.... cuma saya terlalu panik dan tak tau apa yg patut saya buat....
suami saya juga jatuh pengsan ditepi jalan dan terus pergi utk selamanya 3 minggu yg lps..
sama sgt ...
nidzrain Post at 7-5-2010 01:09
ya allah ya tuhanku..sedihnye sbb pemergian hb awk sgt mengejut kan
kenapa arwah meninggal? punca kematian sbb apa ye?
kuatkan semangat ye..kalau sy kt tempat awk.. ya allah.. sy x dpt bygkan
salam kawan2...aku sedih sgt tgk video ni..kucing tu cuba nk selamatkn kawan die, even dh mati pun d ...salam kawan2...aku sedih sgt tgk video ni..kucing tu cuba nk selamatkn kawan die, even dh mati pun dia pun dia still usaha bg cpr kt kawan dia
dia x bg org dekat kt kwn dia tu..dekat 2 jam dia tggu..x lama pas tu vet dtg nk selamatkn kwn die tu, x sempat dah
sedih sgt2
pocongkiutss Post at 6/5/2010 23:45
memang sedih betul tengok video ni ... kucing pun hargai nyawa.
kita manusia yang berakal ni pun kadang2 tak hargai nyawa manusia & makhluk Allah yang lain...
suami saya juga jatuh pengsan ditepi jalan dan terus pergi utk selamanya 3 minggu yg lps..
sama sgt ...
nidzrain Post at 7-5-2010 01:09
nidz. k leo ucap takziahhh.. ya Allahh..sedihnye.. sabar nidz... akak doakan roh arwah di tempatkan di kalangan org2 beriman.
nak tau punca knp? sbb tiba2 jatuh... mcm heart attack je.. iskk skg ni ramai yg meninggal mengejut. ya Allahh.. hanya kau yg mengetahui segalanya.
salam kawan2...aku sedih sgt tgk video ni..kucing tu cuba nk selamatkn kawan die, even dh mati pun d ...
pocongkiutss Post at 6-5-2010 23:45
ya allahhh.. sedih gilerr... bersungguh2 dia kejutkan kawan dia. agaknye dia tak tau kwan dia dah mati... sungguh cerdik kucing ni...
nasib baik vet datang ambik dia sekali..
ya allahhh.. sedih gilerr... bersungguh2 dia kejutkan kawan dia. agaknye dia tak tau kwan ...
leotazz818 Post at 7/5/2010 13:17
kucing2 stray kat turki gemuk2...
masa saya pegi sana, saya tanya macam mana boleh gemuk kucing2 stray tu.
tourist guide saya jawab, orang turki memang selalu bagi makan kat stray cat diorang.
bagus sungguh... macam tu la patutnya kita sayangi haiwan
salam kwn2 dan kakak2 semua...
ye, memang suami saya meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung...
awal bulan 3 yg lps dia dimasukan ke hospital second attack...
dan dia dijangka untuk menjalani bypass opr. pd awal jun ini...
tapi sayangnya tak kesampaian...
elok km sampai di gerai utk berniaga,
tiba2 dia jatuh tak sedaarkan diri...
dan terus meninggalkan saya untuk selamanya...
suami susah dan senang, sahabat baik.. hidup selama hampir 10 tahun dan tak pernah berjauhan... akhirnya meninggalkan saya tanpa sebarang pesanan atau kata kata utk selama lamanya...
Al-Fatihah untuk suami tercinta MAT SALIS ABD LATEF