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Polish & Wax Job: Brp chargenya?

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Post time 7-1-2005 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katak_kiut at 7-1-2005 11:50:
Kalau camtu lepas polish terus waxkan ler?

Tak payah ler terus terus apply wax... tenaga yang ilang untuk polish tadi pun tak recover lagik... :bgrin:  dalam 2 3 minggu lepas tu pun boleh...

Ni ada site untuk exterior care

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Post time 10-1-2005 12:18 PM | Show all posts

Meh aku paste utk sapa yang malas nk klik

Why do we need to take care of car body?

How old, do you think, is this vehicle in the upper picture? looks nice, isn't it?
This Mercedes-Benz is 15 years old with almost 300,000 km (186,000 miles) behind! And more than that, it has never been repainted - this is its original painting. And there is no even a tiny spot of corrosion! Now look at the lower image, this three years old car is already corroded through. Big difference, eh? So, how to keep your car shiny and protect it from corrosion? Read below

How to wash a car

Wash your car regularly - I'd recommend to do this at least once a month. Things like bugs, bird's dropping, or limestone dripping do harm to the paint leaving permanent stains if not washed off in time. When the car is clean, all the moisture dries up quickly, but when it's dirty, the moisture accumulates in dirty areas causing corrosion. At least once in a while use pressure wash - it removes the dirt from difficult to reach areas (I do this at a coin car wash stations). Wash off all the places where the dirt and salt might be accumulated; for example, behind moldings, inside wheel arches, under the bumpers etc. It's particularly helpful after winter - to wash out all the salt accumulations that speed up the corrosion process. Most of car wash stations also have optional waxing - for example, at coin wash stations this mode calls "high pressure wax". I do recommend to use this option, it's not only makes the car shiny, it helps to protect the paint.

How to wax your car

I'd recommend to wax your car once in a three - four months (the often, the better) after washing. Wax helps to protect the paint, minimizing harm of chemicals and protecting the paint from fading; plus the car looks shiny. It takes about 30 minutes to wax a whole car and high quality car wax stays on the car for three - four months. So far, I haven't seen a single product that stays for life time as you might heard in some commercial - nothing lasts forever. In order to maintain protective coat any product needs to be reapplied periodically. For example, from my experience, the Turtle Wax Carnauba wax stays for three - four months.

How to repair stone chips

The stone chips will cause corrosion if not repaired in time.

This one is not corroded yet, so we'll try to repair it. The car is clean and dry and we have all we need - the matching spray paint ordered from a dealer and a toothpick.

After shaking the spray paint very well (for a few minutes) spray very small amount into the cap

Now, we deep the end of the toothpick into the paint in the cap. Very carefully, I'm trying barely to feel up damage without letting the paint to come out.

Now it looks much better and it will not be corroded later.


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Post time 10-1-2005 12:33 PM | Show all posts
Lupa nk tanya
Kalau nk hantar kedai, any rekemen?
Ada mana2 kedai yang korang pegi yang besh + superb

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Post time 10-1-2005 03:05 PM | Show all posts
aku hantar keta kat car wash smlm hari niee tgk keta dah calar sikit kat lampu.. hampeshh lain kali aku nak basuh sendiri lahhhh

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vios_cun This user has been deleted
Post time 11-1-2005 08:13 PM | Show all posts
aku pernah hnatar kedai untuk polish kereta, satu pakej wash and polish. Dulu mahal, hampir RM 100. Sekali tuh sajalah aku hantar kedai. Tapi sekarang dah murah. RM 40 - RM 80. Depend pada tempat. Tapi sekarang aku dah buat sendirik. Aku beli polisher machine, ada berbagai-bagai jenis polisher machine kat kedai, ada yang harga RM 50. 70 , 80. DLL. Yang paling reliable jenama black & deker, Harga dia RM 350. Aku beli yang nih. Memang puas hati guna dia. Jenis polish yang aku guna Soft 99. Matelic. Rega dia RM 20 lebih kurang. Ini yang kasar punya untuk first. Second guna Adlec, Rega dia dalam RM 40. Yang nih yang halus punya doleh diperolehi di kedai yang jual cat kereta tapi susah jugak nak dapat. Kekerapan aku polish keter ialah 3 bulan hingga 4 bulan sekali. Lepas jer kereta tu dipolish rasanya sayang nak buat jalan. sebab terlalu berkilat, macam baru buat keluar dari kedai. Boleh buat cermin. That all apa yang aku buat kereta aku.

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Post time 12-1-2005 09:19 AM | Show all posts
betul tu, beli polisher sendrik jer.. bleh buat sampai puas hati, hakunyer jenama murah jer, jenama SKL, tapi reliable lar, ader sticker sirim, kalau rosak, haku saman sirim... miahaha..

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Post time 12-1-2005 06:44 PM | Show all posts
ambui2 fast, kene sindrom kak pah ker nk saman menyaman nih?

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Post time 12-1-2005 06:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by vios_cun at 2005-1-11 08:13 PM:
aku pernah hnatar kedai untuk polish kereta, satu pakej wash and polish. Dulu mahal, hampir RM 100. Sekali tuh sajalah aku hantar kedai. Tapi sekarang dah murah. RM 40 - RM 80. Depend pada tempat.  ...

Erkkkk....bukan polish setahun sekali jer ker? Wax tuh yang 3 bulan sekali kan? Camne lak boleh guna 2,3 bahan nih haaa? Camne cara2 korang buat nih? Cuba ajar skit

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Post time 12-1-2005 09:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katak_kiut at 12-1-2005 18:45:

Erkkkk....bukan polish setahun sekali jer ker? Wax tuh yang 3 bulan sekali kan? Camne lak boleh guna 2,3 bahan nih haaa? Camne cara2 korang buat nih? Cuba ajar skit

setahu aku polish ada dua jenis.. cut polish & shine polish.. cut polish ni kasar sket.. bagus/sesuai untuk cat yang dah mati.. sebab dia akan buangkan sisa-sisa cat yang dah mati tu.. selepas apply cut polish ni.. cat nampak macam kusam sikit..lapisan cat macam terhakis..jangan risau.. lepas tu kita apply shine polish plak.. masa ni baru nampak kilat sebenar dia...memancarrr... masa tu.. kalau baling towel atas bonet kereta tu.. sure mengelonsor jatuh punyer lahh... licinnn.. tak melekat langsung..

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vios_cun This user has been deleted
Post time 13-1-2005 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katak_kiut at 12-1-2005 06:45 PM:

Erkkkk....bukan polish setahun sekali jer ker? Wax tuh yang 3 bulan sekali kan? Camne lak boleh guna 2,3 bahan nih haaa? Camne cara2 korang buat nih? Cuba ajar skit

Ini teori aku, tak taulah teori yang aku guna nih salah atau betol. Kalau salah tolong betolkan.
First, bila basuh kereta, ada yang guna caw wash shampoo, ada yang guna wash and wax. Biasanya wash ni hanya untuk basuh sahaja dan wash and wax untuk dikilatkan selepas dibasuh. Jadi wash and wax boleh kilat kan kereta, tetapi kilatnya tak seberapa sangat, macam biasajer. Untuk aktiviti rutin setiap minggu membasuh kereta hanya gunakan wash and wax. Sekali sekala bolehlah gunakan shine polish untuk kilatkan kereta.

Untuk jangkawaktu 3 hingga 4 bulan, apabila cat kereta ada kotoran yang degil untuk tangal ataupun ada banyak calar yang halus, perlulah di polish. Polish pada masa ini kena guna 2 jenis, Pertama jenis yang kasar untuk menanggalkan kotoran degil, cat mati serta menanggalkan calar-calar yang halus. Selepas tu boleh apply polish untuk shine punya. Polish ni halus, hanya untuk mengilatkan kereta sahaja.

sebenarnya jangkawaktu wax dan polish ni bergangtung kepada keadaan kereta dan juga kerajinan pemiliknya. Kalau pemilik kereta tu jenis yang tak kisah, tak pernah pon dia polish dan wax kereta nya.

Satu lagi petua yang aku guna, apabila polish kereta, jangan biarkan polish tu terlalu lama pada permukaan cat, sebab bila lama ia akan kering dan terlalau keras sehingga apabila kita wax, masih terdapat polish mark pada permukaan cat. Kalau kereta tu color hitam, memang nampak jelas.

Klalau teori aku ni salah tolong betolkan yep.

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Post time 13-1-2005 09:41 PM | Show all posts
kira cam betul lar tu.. satu tangan tambhan utk ko..

kengkadang haku guna tar remover utk polish part yg banyak tar.. tapi skang nie banyak yg dah all in 1..

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Post time 13-1-2005 10:30 PM | Show all posts
camner pon, aku perasan paste/wax yg kedai cat tu guna
tak sama ngn yg kita beli kat kedai/supermarket
polish kat kedai jauh beza kilat dan tahan lama dari buat sendiri kat umah,
mungkin material spt polisher (speed), wax, paste & teknik
memainkan peranan ..
w/pun nampak remeh , tp memang berbeza...

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JoeJambul This user has been deleted
Post time 14-1-2005 01:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Fast-N-Furious at 7-1-2005 10:30 AM:

polish = kasi kilat surface
wax = satu layer khas utk protect surface yang dah kilat

ader paham...

betul tu. tahan ayaq ujan/embun. juga maintain kilat.

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Post time 14-1-2005 09:21 AM | Show all posts
kalau sayang kereta,atleast setaun skali,hntr ler polish n wax kat kedai,dierorg mmg pakar wat keje nie. i/allah kete 6,7 taun pon nampak lawa lagik,kalah plak kete baru

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vios_cun This user has been deleted
Post time 14-1-2005 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Fast-N-Furious at 13-1-2005 09:41 PM:
kira cam betul lar tu.. satu tangan tambhan utk ko..

kengkadang haku guna tar remover utk polish part yg banyak tar.. tapi skang nie banyak yg dah all in 1..

Terima kasih Fast kerana menyokong teori aku.:bgrin:

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Post time 14-1-2005 10:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tuah_r at 2005-1-14 09:21 AM:
kalau sayang kereta,atleast setaun skali,hntr ler polish n wax kat kedai,dierorg mmg pakar wat keje nie. i/allah kete 6,7 taun pon nampak lawa lagik,kalah plak kete baru

tapi itu ler nk tanya kowang mana kedai yang besh haaa?
sebab ada kedai tempat aku nih, yang buatnyaa mamat2 bangla jek
ishhh...tak caya lak aku ngan kepakaran dorang yang asik tukar pekerja tuh
kang dari elok terus hampeh resultnya
itu ler nk tanya mana kedai yang ok
yg biasa ada kat JJ or carrefour nye parking tuh ok ker?
ari tu baca lam the star, ada satu tempat kt PJ nih
tapi aku lak tau tau tempat tu

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Karisma This user has been deleted
Post time 15-1-2005 02:34 AM | Show all posts

kalu kita polish di tengah panas dan di tempat teduh ada beza ker ?

mana lebih berkesan ?

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vios_cun This user has been deleted
Post time 15-1-2005 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Karisma at 15-1-2005 02:34 AM:

kalu kita polish di tengah panas dan di tempat teduh ada beza ker ?

mana lebih berkesan ?

Jangan polish ditempat panas, polish ditempat teduh sahaja. Bila panas, polish akan kering dan susah nak tanggal. Akhirnya terdapat kesan polish mark pada kereta anda. Ditempat teduh pada hari yang panas. Walaupon tempat teduh, jangan biarkan polish terlalu lama.

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Karisma This user has been deleted
Post time 15-1-2005 07:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by vios_cun at 15-1-2005 09:51 AM:

Jangan polish ditempat panas, polish ditempat teduh sahaja. Bila panas, polish akan kering dan susah nak tanggal. Akhirnya terdapat kesan polish mark pada kereta anda. Ditempat teduh pada hari  ...

aisey ... cam tu ka ..

peloh juga oooo nak habis semua body tu..

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Post time 15-1-2005 08:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Karisma at 2005-1-15 11:08 PM:

aisey ... cam tu ka ..

peloh juga oooo nak habis semua body tu..

kalau tempat panas mmg la berpeloh
sbb tu kena polish tempat teduh/sejuk..kekekek:bgrin:

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