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Author: Ley

Goo Hye Sun ~ Jib 4

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2010 12:45 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the pics from soompi

Director Goo At JIMFF

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2010 12:48 PM | Show all posts
thanks pinkfairy for the pics and credits to susAmerica for the translations from soompi

Hyesun Updated her Minihompy:

she twitted:  일본에서 꽃보다 남자 동창회를 하고있습니다. 준이가 티맥스 티셔츠를 선물로 줬는데요. 이거 입고 야구하러 가려구요. 잘 보관해 둬야겠습니다. 한국에 돌아가는 날에도 입고가야 하나봐요.

fancam HyeSun singing 'Brown Hair': click!! cr: Mr Saoriy@ YT

I am in the middle of doing the BOF Reunion in Japan. Joon-ee gave me a gift of T-Max T-shirt. I'm going to wear this and hit some baseballs. I am going to keep it very safe. The day I return to Korea, I am also suppose to wear it.

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Post time 20-8-2010 01:34 PM | Show all posts

rambut baru hyesun ke tu?

yg ni... aku xleh ikut! sure buruk jek nampak nnt muke aku yg mmg sedia buruk ni

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2010 10:24 PM | Show all posts
thanks meow13 for the vid from soompi

Ku Hye Sun - Cheerful Caretaker       

cr naver

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2010 10:26 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the pics from soompi

Goo Hye Sun at Her Sister's Marriage

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2010 03:11 PM | Show all posts

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Follow Us
 Author| Post time 30-8-2010 03:12 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the link from soompi

here is MAGIC torrent link

Resized to 69% (was 1024 x 1270) - Click image to enlarge


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 Author| Post time 30-8-2010 03:16 PM | Show all posts
thanks to natali and credits to susAmerica for the translations from soompi

Hye Sun also update her me2day

사고치자! 사고치자!!!기분 좋은 사고 한번 칠까봐요.=I'm going to make trouble!I'm going to make trouble!!!I am thinking about making trouble that will feel so good.(very upbeat and positive tone)------I wonder what it is again!?

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2010 03:18 PM | Show all posts
thanks susAmerica for the translations from soompi

HS tweet~~

산책하러 갑니다. 비가 부슬부슬 오는데요. 스물입곱의 마지막 여름비를 한번 맞아볼까봐요. 고등학교때에 친구들하고 자주 맞고 다녔는데요. 어무니가 싫어하셨지요. 문도 안열어 주셨지요. 오늘은 형부와 언니댁으로 갈꺼예요. = I am going out for a walk. Rain is ever so gently falling. It is the last summer rain of my 27 years. I think I will just let it fall on me. During high school, I used to get wet a lot hanging around with my friends. My mother did not like that at all. She wouldn't even let me come into the house wet. Today, I am going towards my sister and brother-in-law's house.        

사고치자! 사고치자!!!기분 좋은 사고 한번 칠까봐요.         
(It is so funny! One DC member is telling GHS not to make trouble but to only focus on making her drama well. Another member is wondering why GHS likes to cause trouble! hahahaha. I love her making trouble!!!)

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2010 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 30-8-2010 15:23

thanks for the pics from soompi

Goo Hye Sun at Cafe Manolin

(taken on August 14, 2010)

구혜선씨 전시=GHS's exhibition

구혜선씨는 진실성이 느껴졌다=I felt GHS's devotion/truth.
그림은 자기를 대변하는 뭔가가 반영되어 있었으며=The paintings speak for and reflect something of oneself.
그림속에서도 진실성이 엿보였다=Even inside the paintings, I saw (her) devotion/truth.


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 Author| Post time 2-9-2010 09:53 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the magic link from soompi

Movie Magic 2010

Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3 :
Part  ...
Ley Post at 30-8-2010 15:11

thanks and credit susAmerica for the translations from soompi

Here is the first translation: Sorry but there is one part where I could not translate.
Magic 1/10

Production Investor: Yang Min Suk
Cooperative Investors: Kim Jung Ah, Yuh Han Gu, Park Chun Jin ….more...

Mature Myung Jin narrates:  (he is polishing and shining a cello) Today, I am repeating the polishing of you….your photograph, your name, your cigarette, even to your voice…. Again, today, I am (he lights his cigarette) trying to burn (your memory) you as much as I can.

Young MJ (tuning his cello): JiEun-ah!
JiEun: There is no Jung Woo.

Title of Movie appears: YO-SOOL

Young MJ cleans library and his attention moves to books on poems or compostion of some sort. Then Jung Woo comes to choke MJ from behind.
Jung Woo: (flipping through a book that MJ was reading)  so childish…Let’s go out. Come and monitor.  (As Jung Woo throws down the book, the title of the book is : His/Her Silence (Nim’s Chim Mook)

MJ: What type of monitoring?
JW: Monitor the piece that will be performed for an audition.
MJ: Ahh
JW: How about you?
MJ: You know that my ability is not there yet.
@5:48 JW gives his cello to MJ and MJ carries two cellos while JW lights his cigarette. They must be at the cafeteria.
MJ: Two fried rice.
Female Voice (sounds like JiEun):  Just a minute.
JiEun: Jung Woo?
MJ: He is next to me.
JW: (can’t hear well) (Something about JiEun being sick and her finger affecting her?)
JE: People’s fingers do not break because they are sick. You should quit smoking.
(JE gives food to MJ and smiles at him saying You should eat a lot and gain some weight.
MJ: Thanks
(JW laughs his cynical laugh at their interaction.)

(MJ nearly trips over the guy trying to play his cello. MJ does not complain that he is balancing two trays of food and two cellos!! JiEun sits on the staircase and most likely JW notices.)
MJ: Did you decide on a musical piece?
JW: Shii,,,,,(referring to cello playing student) He is making me lose my appetite!
JWstands and yells) How can I eat when it is so noisy! (to MJ) Take it out.
(Did you notice the rudeness of JW? He puts out his cigarette on his own spoon and then he just takes MJ’s spoon to eat his lunch! And he gives his cello to MJ to hold! Without even asking!! He is not aware of his own imposition and rudeness to MJ but is bothered when he is imposed on by others!!))
JW: (as the other student continues playing his cello) That bad rascal! Hum! (JW shows off his ability against the cello student)
Cello Student: Stop! Our instruments are different! Mine is for practice use only and yours is a much better one.
JW: This cello is also for practice. Do you want take mine?                                                                                               

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2010 09:54 PM | Show all posts

GHS’s Magic part 2/10

(cello playing student takes JW’s offer and takes the cello.)
JW: Crazy rascal!
(cello student cannot play like JW after taking JW’s cello. JW tunes the cello)
JW: In this world, there is a thing that you can have and thing that you cannot have. Do you know what that is? (JW inhales smoke and blows it out at the student ) Have a good lunch. (JW puts out his cigarette on the cello and walks away! JiEun laughs in disbelief and MJ laughs too.)

Musical score with the title of Wedding Anniversary appears.
MJ: The Wedding Anniversary,,,is this the piece you are going to play for the audition?
JW: mm,,,you try it.
JW: Are you playing with sincerity? When there is no sincerity, it means there is no emotion. You read a lot, right?
MJ: no, a little..
JW: Who composed this piece?
MJ: Choi In Young.
JW: Is that so? Then, why did Choi In Young compose this music?
MJ: I heard that he composed it to celebrate the 10th year wedding anniversary with his wife. That is why the title is Wedding Anniversary.
JW: Is she pretty?
MJ: uh?
JW: Wouldn’t you think she is pretty?
JW: (while he is sketching shapely nude woman) That woman probably is very rough. She is most likely not pretty and her body is very big too. In a word, she is zero in appearance. I think the rascal Choi In Young probably had an affair. The woman in the music is extremely pretty, very young and shapely. (JW shows the sketch) I am saying that he had an affair with a woman like this. You can’t believe it? (he throws down the sketch on the floor and I thnk JW tells MJ to play again.)

(JW accidentally overhears MJ and JE and the camera is on JW entirely.)
MJ: JiEun-ah! Are you on your way to practice?
JE: mm,,,where is JungWoo? (notice, she always asks about JW when she addresses MJ)
MJ: I don’t know.. (then we hear JW loudly coughs but it appears that MJ and JE do not hear him…)
MJ: (to JE) If you can make the time, can you practice with me?
(JW is observing his hand carefully and the scene changes from snowy outside to inside the school)
Older Female Teacher (hey it is the lady from BOF, one who gives Jandi and her brother nearly free place to live!): Do you have a friend that you can recommend? Someone who can master it in one day? Another opening for audition participation came in. There isn’t anybody, right? Aren’t you going to feel somewhat monotonous?
JW: (slightly irritated) I will make sure it won’t be monotonous for you.

MJ: (while working, he comes across an old fashioned LP: GHS really made her movie giving that feeling of good old days feeling----an LP record!) ah, The Wedding Anniversay. (MJ finds a book with information about Choi In Young, Hey! That is real Choi In Young in that book!) Choi In Young~Wedding Anniversay music that he composed for his 10th year anniversay celebration. Ahh~ this is his wife, the lady with big body,,ha. (MJ turns the page of the book and sees a pix of a beautiful young woman)  Uhh? This is Choi In Young’s second wife?  (music starts and MJ remembers what JW said about Choi In Young~about his affair,,,)
(MJ takes the book and the LP record and sees a nude sketch of a woman underneath. The pix says: My Wife on it. We see JW with his sketch of nude woman saying that Choi In Young had an affair with this type of a woman.) (We wonder if JW read about Choi In Young already or if he got that history by playing Choi In Young’s music….????)
JW: What are you doing?
MJ: (smiles) what? Oh, I was cleaning.
JW: The director wants you to come to her office.
MJ: director?
JW: go and see.

(JiEun is at the pharmacy)
Pharmacist: It seems like you have a cold and body aches. Just take one a day.                                                                                               

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2010 09:55 PM | Show all posts

GHS’s Magic Movie 3/10

Director’s voice: You are the last one. You are given only one day notice. Are you sure it is OK with you? JW recommended you so just do your best.

(JiEun is singing Yoo Je Ha’s song, Love, Come Into My Embrace. She is very good! JiEun sets up her door using a chalk and a nail so that no one can enter her room when she practices. GHS said that this is very characteristic of JiEun. After practice is over, JE notices MJ right outside her door dozing.)
JE: What are you doing here like this?
MJ: Ah, because of the audition. I was wondering if you can help me with your piano accompaniment for my audition.
JE: You are asking me that this late?
MJ: It is, right? Sort of became urgent.
JE: Anyway, let’s get out of here first.
MJ: Are you going to your dormitory?
JE: mm, why?
MJ: It is snowing outside. Do you have an umbrella?
JE: (MJ is holding his own umbrella for JE and most of it is sheltering JE.) It is a relief. JW goes first. (in terms of the order of performance in the audition,)
MJ: It must be hard to assist JungWoo’s too.
JE: I will do yours too. I will first do JungWoo’s. Which music are you doing?
MJ: The music is Wedding Anniversay.
JE: Choi InYoung;s Wedding Anniversary? You are going to play the same music as JW?
MJ: uh.
JE: mm-hm

JE: If I pass the audition, I can also go to America.,,,,that is, according to Jung Woo. (JE laughs and MJ joins in. Is she saying to mean that she does not believe JW tells her truth?)  But what are you going to do for me?
MJ: What?
JE: for helping you! You have to give me something! There is no such thing as free service. Anything?
(MJ gets nervous and just takes out whatever is in his pocket:  a page torn off from the book, His/Her Silence and some cash. GHS makes us remember to the day when JW attacked MJ from behind with a choke, albeit jokingly.)
JE: (I think JE says she will think of it as her pay??)
JE: come this way. Where did ajjussi go? (ajjussi is a term, a generic way to address an older male.)  Is there a music piece that you can play well?
MJ: no, I cannot play piano well. But, I can play Chopsicks March a little.
JE: Really? Try it.
JE: for accompaniment, try G7, A minor, D minor..Just continue playing that.
(Woah, I love that Chopsticks March! This must be GHS’s musical fusion piece. We also witness, JW looking in on MJ and JE playing together. JE notices him and I think she mouths to JW that he cannot come in. And, did JW just give them a finger?!)

JW: (lights cig ) Give me, give me,,,(he tunes the cello for MJ and MJ thanks him) Yah! Don’t you have any sense to tune? Don’t you hear the piano sound outside? Anyway, have you been selected as the last one?
MJ: uh.
JW: Hey, MJ, Let me ask you a favor.
MJ: wha?. (MJ has no idea what the favor is.)
Male voice calling out for Park Jung Woo to audition but Jung Woo pushes Myung Jin  to take his place. (It seems like a mean trick and it is possible that JW does not know that MJ will play the same music as he will?? JE is curious about the switch too. Did you notice the film director Kim as one of the audition judges? hehe)
(Wow, Korean drum, Korean gayageum also are in the background along with the European cello and piano. Fusion of musical culture!)                                                                                               

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2010 09:56 PM | Show all posts

GHS’s Magic Movie 4/10

MJ drops his celo bow during audition. And he loses his nerve to continue playing. It appears that JW smiles his cynical and perhaps happy smile as MJ is about to lose? What kind of smile is that? Obviously he is not mad that MJ is playing same music as he is. JE then sings a song during the audition, perhaps to encourage MJ? Wow ! JE is singing the fusion AriRang song! I believe GHS also composed the fusion?! Unfortunately, it does not look like MJ finishes his audition.)

(JW drops his bow and uses the celo in nontraditional way and sings the AriRang song in a very rough way. He fails audition on purpose! The first and the last names on the audition list get crossed out!)

JE (to depressed MJ): That looks like an interesting music. It seems like JW is still going to America. He talks like he is going. But he says he will go after completing (@4:32? Soon Yeh -his semester?).  
MJ: uh-hu.
JE: But, JungWoo,,,do you think he passed the audition? It does not make sense that he passed the audition after performing like he did.
MJ: You were very angry with me for yesterday, right?
JE: What’s to be angry about with you? You just made a mistake. But, JW should not have done that. We all believe/rely on one person, Jung Woo. I also expected a lot from JW.
JW: Congratulations on the failure of  Park JungWoo and Jung Myung Jin. (MJ walks away, surprising both JW and JE.)

JW @6:10 I think JW said, Did you get upset because I made you go first and did not let you know properly?)
MJ: Did I ever ask you to do that for me? It is enough that I fail, why did you have to go and lose?
JW: Why would you think I would do that for you? Did you think I wanted to do it? The same music as yours and same accompanist as you?  Even before I changed our names, even before you participated in the audition, you were already out. With your level of skill, you cannot even play to beg. You won’t even be able to eat the way you play. Maybe you will get a cup of coffee. (Cold!! I think JE heard what JW said to MJ and was mad as hell!)
(to JE) Did you like @7:20DapGa (maybe JW is talking about his audition music?)
Director walks in.
Director: As you all know, we start next week the SoonYeh concerts/performances. @7:30 From leader to below, please do your best until the end.  
(I don’t understand why MJ leaves the class here?)                                                                                               

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2010 09:58 PM | Show all posts
thanks natali for the article from soompi

Netizens choose Goo Hye Sun as female actress with best skin

Netizens have chosen Goo Hye Sun as the female actress with the most ceramic-like skin in a recent poll held on the community portal site, DC Inside.

The survey was held from August 24th till the 31st, and it asked, “Which female actress among these makeup models has the best ceramic-like skin?”

Goo Hye Sun earned 1,442 votes out of the 4,343 total, coming in at #1 with 32.7%. True to her background as one of the first internet ulzzangs, one of Goo Hye Sun’s best features is her clear white skin, earning her the nickname, Flour Doll.

Park Shin Hye followed after, coming in at #2 with 16.3% of the votes, primarily due to her cute cheeks and milky skin. Go Hyun Jung came in at #3 with 7.9% of the votes, mainly for her ageless skin.

cre allkpop

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2010 10:01 PM | Show all posts
thanks susAmerica for the translations from soompi

source: http://gall.dcinside...551&page=1&bbs=

에프포중  꼭한명을 무인도에 데려가야한다면?   
쿠가  꼭 한사람이어야 되나요? 그렇다고 하니        
걍 쿨하게 마셨다네....ㅋㅋ        

DC fans found out what was the question during Tokyo Reunion Event on 8/21/'10 for which GHS decided to drink Noni juice instead of answering the question:

'Which person would GHS take to a deserted island among the F4? GHS asked if she has to pick only one person. MC's said YES. So, she drank the juice. keke.>

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2010 10:04 PM | Show all posts
thanks to natali and credit susAmerica for the translations from soompi

한국판 꽃보다 남자의 츠쿠시역이 지나치게 귀여워서 놀랐다. 좋은 얼굴이구나 ∼.=I was so surprised that Tsukuchi role in Korean Version of BOF was overwhelmingly cute. She has a good face.

ク・ヘソン うつくしい~
구혜선 아름답다 ∼=GHS is beautiful.

花男見ていて思い出しましたが台湾の観光PR?CMに出てるのはク・ヘソンですよね??いつも気になるのよね( -"-)
꽃남보고 있어서 상기했습니다만 대만의 관&#44305R? CM에 나와 있는 것은 구혜선이에요?? 언제나 마음에 걸리는 것이어요 (-”-)=I just remembered because I am watching BOF. The Taiwan PR? Is that GHS in the CM?? She always sticks in my mind (-"-)

구혜선?!! 저 대만의 비륜해…인 것 같아 보이는 사람들과 어울리고 있었던 사람 구혜선야 ?! 엄청 귀여운 ぅう┏●┓=GHS?!! Taiwan Fahrenheit...Is that person having good time with them GHS?!! So adorable.

대만CM에 나와 있는, 구혜선도 귀엽다 ―!  GHS who comes out in Taiwan CM is also adorable-!

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2010 10:07 PM | Show all posts
thanks to siidudul and credit to susAmerica for the translations from soompi

더인터뷰-남상미편=The Interview-Nam Sang Mi portion
2010.07.23 11:52 dated July 23, 2010

촬영은 황대장이 신나게 데이트 모드로 해놓고=Commander Hwang was filming, excitedly as if on a date.

편집은 내가..I did the editing...

앞뒤로 막붙여서 만든 더인터뷰-남상미편=I clumsily attached front and back and made The Interview-Nam Sang Mi portion.

예쁜 그녀=She is pretty.

참한 그녀=She is charming.

친구들도 이보영, 구혜선=as well as her friends Lee Bo Young, GHS

역시 끼리끼리 뭉치는듯ㅋ=It seems alike people stick together like cliques.


서래마을 마놀린에서=At the Surae Village Manolin

서울가서 첨으로 간곳 서래마을 마놀린=The first place that I went when I arrived in Seoul is Manolin at the Surae Village.

그곳에서 나는 남상미,구혜선,이보영을 보았지-There, I saw Nam Sang Mi, GHS, Lee Bo Young-

그곳에서 언니는 남상미,구혜선,지성을 보았지-There, unni saw Nam Sang Mi, GHS, JiSung-

우린 같이 있었는데 ㅋㅋ 왜 한사람씩을 보지 못했나 ㅋㅋ--We were there together. keke How is it that we each missed seeing one person. keke

이쁘드라 역시 연예인은 다르구만 싶었다 ㅋㅋㅋ-They were really pretty. I guess celebrities are different. kekeke

-ㅋㅋ 뒤돌아서대놓고못보고ㅋㅋ아쉽당 -keke I even turned around and still did not see. keke. so sad-
-내자리가 좋았음 ㅋㅋ 나도 대놓고 못보고 최대한 안볼라했담서 ㅋㅋㅋ-I had a good seat. keke ?I tried hard to see but could nor. I tried not to see ??(I cannot translate this well.)


서래마을 마놀린에서=At the Manolin in Surae Village

우리 언니야 뒤에 남상미있다아~+ㅁ+=Behind our sister was Nam Sang Mi.

-ㅋㅋ신기했음. 얼굴완전작고이뻤음ㅎㅎ-keke It was marvelous. Totally small face and pretty.

-나도 신기해요 지금도 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ=It was marvelous for me too..even now kekekeke


서래마을 마놀린에서=At Manolin in Surae Village

우리 언니야 뒤에 구혜선있다아~+ㅁ+=Behind our sister was GHS.

-혜선양은후드티의베인에가려져얼굴못봐서아쉬웠어=HyeSun-yang's face was hidden under her hoodtee so I could not see her face. So sad.

-후드티디집어쓰고있어도 제일 이쁘드람서+ㅁ+=Even though she was hidden under her hoodtee, she was the prettiest.


2010.08.29 일 00:37

연예인도 봤지롱~~I saw celebrites.
첨으로 간 곳에서-at the place that I went for the first time.
한시간동안 옆테이블에-I was sitting at the table next to them for one hour.
앉아있었는데 진짜 이쁘드라-They were sitting and were really pretty.
구양 이양 남양 그리고 지모군 ㅋ=Goo-yang, Lee-yang, Nam-yang and JiMo-goon (Is JiMo a male and referring to Ji-Sung??)
신기신기 ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ 비도 그치고-Amazing Amazing kekeke Even the rain stopped.
난 역시 재수가 좋아!!!!!! -I am just really lucky!!!!!
크하하하하하하~~~~ KwaHaHaHaHaHaHa~~~~(fan is really,really excited)
내일도 행복한하루가 되길 ㅋ=I hope tomorrow will be another happy day also.
아 인자 오늘인가?=Ahh, already tomorrow is here?

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2010 10:10 PM | Show all posts
thanks susAmerica for the translations from soompi

구혜선, 창작활동 담은 스마트폰 애플리케이션 출시 =
GHS. launching a smartphone application loaded with her creative work.

정은미기자=Reporter Jung Eun Mi  [email protected]  

배우 구혜선의 창작활동과 화보가 담긴 애플리케이션이 출시돼 화제다. An application loaded with GHS's work and information is creating news.

그동안 연예인 애플리케이션은 본인이 참여한 앨범과 영화, 드라마 등을 홍보하기 위해 일회성으로 제작되는 것이 보통이었다. Upto now, celebrity application was usually used by the entertainers to advertise his/her album or movie or drama, but only one at a time.

그러나 구혜선의 애플리케이션은 다방면에 재능을 가진 그녀의 창작 작품을 모아 전시회처럼 관람할 수 있다는 점에서 차별화된다. However, the uniqueness of GHS's application for smartphone is that it can be utilized to view all her various types of work as if viewing an exhibition

특히 구혜선의 애플리케이션 중 '미니 전시회'는 가수 거미의 앨범 재킷을 직접 일러스트한 경험이 있는 그녀의 실력 있는 일러스트 작품을 비롯해 직접 자작곡한 곡, 영화 '요술'의 예고편, 감독인터뷰 및 촬영스케치까지 담았다. One of the GHS Application is called 'mini exhibition'and it contains GHS's work on Gummy's album jacket as well as her musical composition, trailer for YoSool, her interview as a director and some sketches of her filming.

또한 그녀의 첫 앨범 '숨' 및 싱글 '갈색머리'가 뮤직앨범으로 탑재돼 있으며, 뷰티 앤 스마트 콘셉트의 화보도 만나볼 수 있다. It also is loaded with her first album 'Soom=Breath' and her single 'Brown Hair'. You can even see her cf for Beauty and Smart Concept.

이번 구혜선의 애플리케이션은 현재 스카이 스테이션(SKY station)에서 서비스되고 있으며, 9월 초 'Show 앱스토어'(를 통해서도 론칭할 예정이다. GHS Application is available and serviced at the Sky Station and will be also available through Appstore starting early part of September.

한편, 구혜선은 올 하반기에 방송예정인 드라마 '더 뮤지컬'에서 명문 의대생임에도 뮤지컬에 대한 꿈을 품고 사는 뮤지컬 배우 지망생으로 안방극장에 복귀할 예정이다. Towards the latter part of this year, GHS will revisit the livingrooms of the public through a new drama, THE MUSICAL. She plays a medical student of a famous university but who dreams of becoming a musical actress.


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 Author| Post time 3-9-2010 10:27 PM | Show all posts
thanks to natali from soompi

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