cubalah supplement ni-namanya transfer factor cardio, khusus untuk kesihatan jantung.
memang berkesan untuk sesiapa yg ada masalah jantung.
boleh lawat website http://www.Malaysia4Life.com untuk further info atau hit 'tf cardio' untuk carian tentang supplement ini. |
1 keping roti whole grain
1 biji telur dimasak dengan 1/2 tbsp canola oil
1/2 cawan baked beans
1 cawan anggur
1 gelas air masak
1 cawan skimmed milk
Nasi goreng sihat, goreng cam ni
1 cawan nasi
1 cawan sayur
2/3 dada ayam tanpa lemak
2 biji putih telur
1 sudu minyak canola
perencah peket atau sendiri bikin
1 light yogurt
bihun sup
1 cawan bihun
1 cawan sayur campur
1 1/2 cawan sup daging tanpa lemak
1 sudu sambal
1/2 limau nipis |
mak saya masak low fat kat arwah ayah saya.... dia masak nasi lemak..semua yang heart healthy.. tak kiralah satay ke, masak lemak..mesti very healthy.. akan guna low fat thingy , tapi mak tiri saya bagi bapak saya makan tak pantang.. pastu berubat kampung.. mak saya suruh gi doktor, arwah bapak gi berubat kg..  |
Reply #35 ogycute69's post
So aper keputusan yang telah diambil Ogy?
Actually nak tanya test aper perlu dibuat untuk mengesan artery blockage? |
haidy08 This user has been deleted
nak tanya sikit. kalau ada thyroid kita memang rasa dada tu ketat ke? kalau tarik nafas dalam2 rasa lega sangat.tapi thyroid sy katogeri normal jer... tolong jawab bg sesiapa yang tahu |
who's at riskof heart attack???
Heart attacks strike both men and women. However, some people are more likely than others to have a heart attack because of their risk factors. Risk factors are behaviours or conditions that increase the chance of the disease. Some of the risk factors are beyond your control, but most can be modified to help you lower your risk of having a first |
Salam.. nak tanya.. liz kena sakit dada sebelah kiri sabtu lepas.. till now still sakit.
Jumpa doc smlm kata takde apa2. Dia kata muscle pain biasa..
Bila tidor mengiring kanan atau kiri sakit sgt mcm terhimpit..
Lepas tue batuk , ketawa atau bersin akan jadi sakit.
Bila bercakap pun mcm sakit. tarik nafas pun sama
Nape ek?
[ Last edited by mix_chinese at 12-11-2007 09:21 AM ] |
Reply #42 mix_chinese's post
Mungkin Costochondritis
[ Last edited by musang_pulut at 12-11-2007 12:32 PM ] |
Chest pain associated with costochondritis is usually preceded by exercise, minor trauma, or an upper respiratory infection.
The pain usually will be sharp and located on your front chest wall. It may radiate to your back or abdomen and is more common on your left side.
The most common sites of pain are your fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs. This pain increases as you move your trunk or take deep breaths. Conversely, it decreases as your movement stops or with quiet breathing.
The reproducible tenderness you feel when you press on the rib joints (costochondral junctions) is a constant feature of costochondritis. Without this tenderness, a diagnosis of costochondritis is unlikely.
Tietze syndrome, on the other hand, exhibits swellings at the rib-cartilage junction. Costochondritis has no noticeable swelling. Neither condition involves pus or abscess formation.
Tietze syndrome usually affects the junctions at the second and third ribs. The swelling may last for several months. The syndrome can develop as a complication of surgery on your sternum months to years after the operation.
When costochondritis occurs as a result of infection after surgery, you will see redness, swelling, or pus discharge at the site of the surgery.
[ Last edited by mix_chinese at 12-11-2007 12:58 PM ] |
Reply #46 mix_chinese's post
Aku pnh rasa. Doc bg painkiller je.... |
Reply #46 mix_chinese's post
Aku pnh rasa. Doc bg painkiller je.... |
Jantung/dada aku sakit! =[[[
Jantung/dada aku sakit rasa mcm sakit gile.kalau jalan makin sakit.kena tunduk baru kurang!aku ada gak rasa dalam jantung aku macam ada air belah kiri.
apa sakit aku ni eh?
tlng |
paru-paru berair?
ke jantung berair?
better ko cek doktor |
aku cadangkan cepat cepat gi wat ECG laa bro
ada sakit siku kiri tak? |
ada sakit siku kiri tak??tak pun.heh jangan la takotkan aku.heh |
paru2 ko kene jangkitan kuman kot....gi check dr. cepat....mak aku pernah kene sakit camni ni...dekat 1 litre air kene sedut kuar...ingat sakit jantung...rupe2nye infection kat luar lung die... |
dah buat wasiat?klu belum baik gi cek doktor skang.bahaya la wehh.. |
paru2 ko kene jangkitan kuman kot....gi check dr. cepat....mak aku pernah kene sakit camni ni...dekat 1 litre air kene sedut kuar...ingat sakit jantung...rupe2nye infection kat luar lung die...
huh ye ke?kalau mcm tuh la la takut sngat aku.heh doakan aku k. |
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