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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2012 01:24 PM | Show all posts
Don't believe everything the media played out about him in the media.
Santeira Post at 28-4-2012 09:43

    As a normal human being, it's hard not to feel anything when you see a video of someone being buried alive, or a baby being beheaded. If you know the truth, do share.

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Post time 28-4-2012 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Belum pergie shopping barang dapur,insyaallah mungkin depan ...............

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Post time 28-4-2012 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Don't believe everything the media played out about him in the media.
Santeira Post at 28-4-2012 09:43

    Kadang2 terpikir,kalu tak der anginn, takkan pokok bergoyang............erm erm,harap3 media suka3 jer buat...risau gak....

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Post time 28-4-2012 04:37 PM | Show all posts
mau pupular
mau nama
mau satu LANGKAH dihadapan org lain
mau tunjuk terrer
mau MERAMALKAN apa yg masih tak tentu

manusia kannnnnnnn
sentiasa TAK BETUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 28-4-2012 04:57 PM | Show all posts
+1 aku nak credit...tolong la mod...

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Post time 28-4-2012 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sham159 at 28-4-2012 22:49

Salam semua,

Sejak beberapa hari lalu ada perasaan aneh muncul dalam perasaan Sham..Kat umah malam2...kat tilam..bila dengar guruh-guruh waktu malam tu..ada perasaan 'misteri' dalam diri Sham..Tak tau apa bendanya..yang pasti perasaan ni bukan dibuat-buat..ianya datang sendiri..

Perasaan ni semakin kuat pada satu hari tu..Perasaan ni macam bencana la...bencana alam kot..

Luar biasa kan bunyi guruh-guruh ni? Kedengaran mengegarkan pun ada..Tapi bunyi gegaran la..bukan gegaran macam gempa bumi tu..

Risau lak..

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Post time 29-4-2012 07:31 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Santeira at 29-4-2012 07:41
As a normal human being, it's hard not to feel anything when you see a video of someone be ...
andria Post at 28-4-2012 13:24

Ada dua pihak yang ingin melihat kejatuhan Basyar, iaitu

1) Barat (dalam masa beberapa tahun ini Iraq, Mesir, Libya telah jatuh bila puak anti-pemimpin tetapi pro-barat dan disokong oleh barat mula menentang pemimpin Islam)
2) Golongan ekstremis Wahhabi yang mahu melihat kejatuhan kerajaan Syria yang merupakan kerajaan Syiah.

Dua golongan  ini telah memainkan dan memanipulasikan berita, di Barat oleh Barat dan di negara dengan pengaruh Sunni oleh puak Wahhabi, dengan alasan Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi ulama sunni menyokong kejatuhan kepimpinan Basyar (tetapi Qaradhawi pernah menyatakan juga yang dia mahukan semua orang Yahudi dibunuh).

Basyar's enemy could stage the whole thing and publish it, saying it's his men's doing, because that's the thing is with social media. News can be manipulated, we even see that being done here.

You can read the comments in the video. Tentera Syria sebenar tidak berpakaian seperti tentera di dalam video, you can search macam mana rupa uniform mereka yang sebenar dan compare dengan yang dalam video.

Syria IS one of the places in which tanda2 kiamat akan muncul. Ada dalam hadith sahih Syiah. This matter is far more complicated than you think.

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2012 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Syria IS one of the places in which tanda2 kiamat akan muncul. Ada dalam hadith sahih Syiah.
Santeira Post at 29-4-2012 07:31

    I hope you don't mind me asking this, but why are you referring to a hadith from Syiah?

Yes, I've heard about the theories that said Arab countries will fall one by one, and everything has been 'designed' that way. I also know about the manipulation, but I am also keeping an open mind on all possibilities. There have been talks saying that Ahmadinejad is actually a Jew, and that he is actually part of the Illuminati, but who can actually know which is which? Do we even know for sure, that A is really A, and not something that has been conjured up like a magic trick? We say that the Western is trying to manipulate on things, but how far do we think we know everything? How sure are we that the Eastern does not cohort with the Western? How sure are we that what we believe to be true, are actual facts, and not made-up lies? Me, I don't know. That's why I typed at the bottom of the video, Real Or Fake.

Personally, I believe that as long as I still don't know the truth behind any theories or any stories, I'm leeping an open mind. The only things that I KNOW I can trust my life on, are the Holy Quran and the prophet s.a.w hadeeths and Sunnahs. Other than that, there are all speculations, predictions and warnings, based on personal deductions, mere findings, or research.

By the way, this statement of yours - (tetapi Qaradhawi pernah menyatakan juga yang dia mahukan semua orang Yahudi dibunuh) - who was the one who claimed that Qardawi indeed said this? It was the US government. It was Cynthia Farahat of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. So since you yourself said, the Western is not to be trusted, then must we believe what they say about Qardawi?

I have once seen a video, where the so-called Talibans beheaded Nicholas Berg. But do I believe that those are really the Talibans? I can't say I do, nor can I say I don't. For the simple reason, we don't know the truth. We live in a world where lies and deceptions are a norm, that in the end, you don't know what to believe in anymore. Today, we may think we know for sure and we believe that what we know to be the truth, have been set on stone. But is that so? For all we know, everything that we have been taught, everything that we thought we knew, were based on lies.

I could tell you stories about how the majority of human beings will be deceived OH SO EASILY, by the Anti-Christ when he does come out from his hiding place, and how the majority of people have this expectation that The Anti-Christ will be someone who FITS the characteristics of a False Messiah, but will you believe me? For all you know, I could be telling you lies to fulfill my own personal agenda. My point is - No matter how much you think you know, think twice, because you and I both know, things are NOT what they seem to be. What you think you know, and what you believe to be true, may just be a mirage. If it looks like a skunk, farts like a skunk and appears like a skunk, it may not necessarily be a skunk.

On a much personal note, I would like to share an example - Those who now THINK they know who Imam Mahdi is, those who believe they can easily identify him when he comes out, will probably have the greatest shock in their lives, when they found out (if they survive to find out) that Imam Mahdi is NOT at all what most people expect him to be. Hence, my personal advice if I may, always question what you believe in, except Al Quran, and the prophet s.a.w sunnahs and hadeeths. These 3 things will never go wrong. But PEOPLE, will. Always check and re-check ourselves, are we on the right track? Keeping an open mind to all possibilites, will keep us always looking for the truth.

You can only see, as far as you THINK.


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Post time 29-4-2012 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Santeira at 29-4-2012 12:54
I hope you don't mind me asking this, but why are you referring to a hadith from Syiah?
andria Post at 29-4-2012 11:28

    I am a shiite, that's why I'm citing from syiah hadith. I used to be a sunni, five years ago I changed to being a shiite, for reasons that will take so long to explain. Kita semua ni Muslim, kita sama-sama orang Islam, Basyar ialah orang Islam. yang menentang Basyar ialah golongan anti-Basyar, backed by the West, sama macam kejatuhan Mesir, Iraq dan Libya. Syria is the new target.

as for Qaradhawi, setakat ini even golongan Wahhabi dan Sunni sendiri tidak menafikan dia pernah berdoa semua Yahudi perlu dibunuh, dia juga ada mengeluarkan fatwa yang Gaddafi perlu dibunuh sebelum ini. Even masa saya tanya seorang Wahhabi sebelum ini, dia kata 'memang betul, Yahudi patut dibunuh pun. Betul kata qaradhawi tu."

if you want me to explain my shiite faith, it's rather simple. nabi pernah kata, ada 72 golongan selepas kewafatannya, dan hanya ada satu saja yang benar. secara logiknya, selepas kewafatan nabi, adakah dia akan menyerahkan kepimpinan kepada sahabat-sahabatnya, atau kepada keturunannya yang dipanggil ahlul-bayt? hadith sahih syiah adalah preserved by generations, by Muhammad's own descendants. You are free to brush them off, but you yourself quoted one hadith dhaif tentang huru-hara yang berlaku pada bulan Ramadhan.

everything else, i don't have time to explain.  but if you can say, the media is not telling the truth about what's truly happening, they're hiding facts because they don't want panic, there's a planet x that will collide or an asteroid that will fall: causing extinction level event, then why wouldn't you say that they can manipulate the news on basyar so his leadership falls, and then the West (through the puppet government) can  control another islamic country? seems ironic to me.

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Post time 29-4-2012 12:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply 86# sham159

  ni aku nak kata sikit
sebab ramai dah jadi camni

cuma ajak hampa fikirkan barang seketika
kalau hampa islam atau percaya kat TUHAN
kat dalam diri kita ni ada -
apa depa panggil QARIN atau sejenis syaitan atau sejenis jin
camtu lah kottttt

so.........depa2 ni sebenarnya DAH KALUT
kalut sangat2 tauuuuuuuu
dan mengapa.................... cuba2lah renung2kan ya

ada yg tersembunyi sedang membara

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Post time 29-4-2012 01:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 90# orangbesi

    utk pertama kalinya ob mengeluarkan kata2 yg agak bernas & entah kenapa miss setuju dgn apa yg ob cakap. dah lama miss terfikir benda yg sama. tapi xtaulah apa benda yg qarin tu kalutkan. cuba ob terangkan

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Post time 29-4-2012 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Untuk senang mengenal kebenaran, marilah kita sama sama sentiasa membaca surah al kahfi ayat 1-10. Insyaallah Allah akan benarkan untuk kita melihat kebenaran dan mengenal siapa sebenar pendurjana sebenar.

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Post time 29-4-2012 04:29 PM | Show all posts
baru baca pasal Syiah semalam, dari beberapa blog.  Baca juga pasal Basyar, tapi Basyar ni kenapa terlampau ekstrem.  Dah macam zaman Mustapha Kamal Attartuk.

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Post time 29-4-2012 11:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply  orangbesi

    utk pertama kalinya ob mengeluarkan kata2 yg agak bernas & entah kenapa m ...
misslivina Post at 29-4-2012 13:56

    Tak paham laa???

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Post time 29-4-2012 11:32 PM | Show all posts
Ter post 2 kali...sori2

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Post time 29-4-2012 11:44 PM | Show all posts
sudah ada part 2 rupanya........ tatau la makin lama makin tak brani jejak bod misteri ni.. makin lama makiin penakut

slalu tgk langit........... akhir2 ni nampak bulan salu warna oren........
dedulu tak pasan ada jadi camtu........
mungkin ada sebab jadik mcm tu... tapi kecetekan ilmu aku tak dapat huraikannya..

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Post time 30-4-2012 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 92# scorpionkiki

i agree with you... bacalah al-quran dan amalkan surah al-kahfi banyak2..

p.s#jangan lupa plak surah2 lain yer...

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Post time 1-5-2012 12:41 AM | Show all posts
menunggu berita terbaru dari sis.. namun hampa.. amat merindui info dari sis..

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Post time 1-5-2012 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Sis Andria.. rasanya GE 13 nanti kemungkinan akan berlaku kekecohan... bunga2nya dah mula nampak..

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Post time 2-5-2012 10:41 AM | Show all posts
baik Syiria atau Iran kedua2nya akan kalah dlm peperangan yg akan dtg..begitulah yg Nabi sebut dalam hadisnye..semua tanda2 yg andrea pos kan kt sini da ade dlm hadith..cume dlm hadith di sebut tanda2 besar..detailnye adelah ape yg kita lalui sekarng, ape yg andre atau forumer lain pos kat sini..mmmmm banyak aku  nak tulis n huraikan sbnrnye tapi x reti nak cite n x reti nak explain..

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