naruto mimpi..dia terjaga di rumah sakit kanoha ..wei awt lepas kebawah trok sgt ni |

amacam,hensem tak deidara..??tribute to DEIDARA....
[ Last edited by GRINDSAKHTANIC at 17-2-2009 12:13 PM ] |
Reply #1142 GRINDSAKHTANIC's post
Reply #1143 boe's post
sy setujuk |
Balas #1142 GRINDSAKHTANIC\ catat
Balas #1142 GRINDSAKHTANIC\ catat
kalau nk wak filem live action....
buleh cari org lebih kurang camni utk lakonkan watak deidara |
Reply #1142 GRINDSAKHTANIC's post
mane ko amik? kt devilart ke? |
awat hensem semacam je deidara tuh?? ade tak work art kakashi tak pakai topeng?? hehehe |
teringat deidara...one of my feveret akatsuki |
Balas #1149 minipuff\ catat
aku suka sasori |
Inoichi thinks there is a high possibility that Pain is on some high mountain in Konoha.
(because it would make the chakra transfer easier)
Then it's all conservation between Naruto and Tendou.
Pain wishes for peace and justice.
Naruto wishes for peace and justice.
Both have the same target but different means to achieve it.
Finally, the real body Nagato is shown.
Following is the spoiler writer's opinion:
He looks like a skinny Orochimaru, sitting on some four-legged, wheelchair-like thing.
There are a lot of black rods piercing out from his back and his body has a lot of holes/pits.
Konan: Nagato had used up too much chakra.
Nagato, with his mouth bleeding: Peace will arrive soon.
End |
Reply #1152 ra5101's post
macam tersiksa je pein ni... kurus kering.. aku dah agak dialah pein sebenar.. Nagato... |
kiranya.. kalau bunuh nagato ni terselamatla naruto kan? tapi konan ade utk selamatkan nagato.. sempat ker?
dah suspek dia kat tempat tinggi.. tapi salah teka tempat..  |
Balas #1151 ra5101\ catat
mat gian rupanya Pein neh..  |
Reply #1157 pinguin's post
chakura  |
tapi kan?cmne madara kumpulkan org2 mcm pein, zetsu, deidara, sasori, itachi semua yg hebat2 ni dan jadikan mereka pengikut dia? ada lawan2 ke? madara paksa ke? biasanya org2 s-clss ni ego tersangat la tinggi |
deidara kan kene paksa ngan itachi.. itachi plak blaja mangekyou dari madara.. dah madara bunuh sumer uchiha kat kg daun, mesti dia kenekan syarat kat itachi supaya masuk akatsuki (yg ni speku)..
tapi yg pein ni mmg bengong la.. dia tak tau ke madara tu gunakan org?? ingat cara dia tu betol agaknye..
argghhhhh.. mati la cepat pein nihhhhh |
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