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Author: Syd

Sampai bila nasib BUAYA Sarawak akan berterusan begini?

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Post time 4-10-2006 09:46 PM | Show all posts
uishh...hangat nye lam nii...
Tp honestly sian buaya2 yg x bersalah...dah mmg in their nature mmbaham mcmtu..
dgn budak skali dibahamnya!perghhh...bahaya..bahaya..jgn main la dekat sungai2 yg mmg confirm ade buaya.Manusia kan berakal..dan mmg tugas mak bapak jaga anak2 derang.Dah ajal budak tu..
Nak berdendam ngan buaya watpe!Mcm xleh trima takdir Allah je.
Isi la masa2 yg duk terbuang utk tangkap buaya tu dgn wat tahlil ke ape tuk anak tu..
Minta Allah tunjukkan jalan..
ishk ishk ishk...:no:

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Post time 4-10-2006 10:59 PM | Show all posts
kalau ramai org mcm ni kat dunia, lg 50 taun tak dpt ler cucu aku tgk mcm mana rupa boye ni

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Post time 4-10-2006 11:00 PM | Show all posts
bayangkan kalau pakcik tuh bunuh mak buaya, pastu anak2 dier yg kecik lagi tgh tunggu, siannyaaa

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aneboye This user has been deleted
Post time 4-10-2006 11:36 PM | Show all posts
Marilah Kiter Menyayangi Buaya............>>>>>>>


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aneboye This user has been deleted
Post time 4-10-2006 11:44 PM | Show all posts
Apakah masa depan pasangan bahagia ini....huhuhuhu:nerd:


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Post time 5-10-2006 12:43 AM | Show all posts
Emm...Bukan boya tu dah ditangkap ke?

[ Last edited by  Syndora at 5-10-2006 12:45 AM ]

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Post time 5-10-2006 01:10 AM | Show all posts
THAT PHOTO is DISGUSTING! yuck yuck yuck!

but some felt relief doing that over and over again on other crocs which were not the one which killed the boy.

p/s those pictures are not the sarawak case kan?

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Post time 5-10-2006 01:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by firebird909 at 5-10-2006 01:10 AM
THAT PHOTO is DISGUSTING! yuck yuck yuck!

but some felt relief doing that over and over again on other crocs which were not the one which killed the boy.

p/s those pictures are not the sarawa ...

Tak sure sarawak case or not, tapi ada pic polis kalau tengok dari uniform cam polis M'sia..

Pic tu I tak paste sebab rasakan tak perlu..or patut letak juga ke?

Hopefully itu S'wak case la so tak yah la susah2 gi carik boya tu lagi..lagi byk pulak boya yg mati kang..

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Post time 5-10-2006 01:23 AM | Show all posts
Kalau ada forumer fr. S'wak yg boleh confirmkan ini ke budak yg kena baham tu ehh??

Gambar ni I dapat through email..tapi kalau ramai yg tak sanggup tgk gambar ni boleh beritahu saya, gambar tu akan saya delete..

[ Last edited by  Syndora at 5-10-2006 01:27 AM ]

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Post time 5-10-2006 02:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 10/4/06 12:15 AM
poster statement tuh nmpk sgt dok kat kl, pegi opis pg, balik keje ptg, mlm tgk tv tido, tu jela rutin harian dier...besh je ckp psl x educate children la, respect others la etc...worthiless la statement mcm nie...soh dier mati, idup balik, dok kat kg ade sg. penuh buaye, anak dier blaja berenang (normalla budak kg mandi sg), teteibe kene baham ngan buaye...mayat x jumpe, buaye tu x jumpe..pastu soh dier post balik...hehhe  

No, aku tak dok KL, aku dok LA. No, aku tak gi office pagi, aku gi class pagi. No, aku tak balik keje petang, aku balik malam. And keje aku adalah educate young engineers, I do that without having enough time to relax, and I'm underpaid. So don't assume my life is easy.

By the way, whatever my background is does not matter. If you use that against my statement, that's called a personal attack. My life has nothing to do with what others do. I am not responsible for what that guy did.

Yes, it's normal for kampung kids gi berenang kat sungai. And I can say it's normal to for crocodiles to act the way they're supposed to act.

It's not about whether it's normal or not. It's about whether it's safe or not. Driving recklessly is pretty normal in Malaysia, but it isn't safe. When you do something unsafe or you do not educate your kid to aviod dangers you can't blame the naturally occuring danger itself.

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Post time 5-10-2006 02:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 10/4/06 12:24 AM

name pon budak2....ko dulu budak2 mmg ikut ape yg mak bapak ko aja ker?..nmpk sgt ko skema kan...budak2 yg normal, lagi org larang lagi la dier nk buat, name pon budak2...budak2 terencat je yg follow org ckp....

sedapnye cakap. budak terencat jek yang ikut cakap? so kalau anak ko patuh cakap ko anak ko terencat la kan? what kind of statement is that.

Again, what's normal isn't necessarily right. That's just logic.

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Post time 5-10-2006 02:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 10/4/06 12:32 AM
seorang bapa yg kesedihan kemarahan sbb anak mati kene baham buaye....dier mmg nk carik remain/body anak di kale dier jumpe ke buaye2, dpt tangkap, dier xde/xtau care cmne nk tau tu ke buaye yg bunuh anak dier....ingat dier org kg, bkn cam korg yg konon2 pandai, tp kalu terkena mcm dier mau jd lagi bodoh dr, apela care yg ade slain bedah buaye2 tuh...effective, senang cepat je leh tau tu ke buaye yg dimaksudkan....ape slhnyer dier bunuh buaye tuh, kalu dier x bunuh buaye tuh, tah2 buaye yg konon2 innoncent tuh baham anak org laen plak laen hari....kire die dah wat pahale la ngan membunuh prospektive killer....

kill the killer...i'm with u....  

you're talking as if crocodiles are humans, and have the same responsibilities like humans. if you want them to be held responsible for their actions like humans, then it's only fair if they're given the same legal process as humans. they should be given the right for fair trial, legal defense etc. want that?

i know that the dad is sad. I don't deny that. but just because someone to sedih doesn't make everything he does right.

ok. belah perut buaya tu senang dan effective dalam mencari suspect berkenaan. does that make it just? No. What's easy isn't necessarily just. That's logic. For example, meniru orang yang pandai dalam exam pon senang dan effective, but it's not right.

So bunuh jek buaya walaupon buaya tu blom didapati pernah membunuh manusia? Sebab dia ade potensi utk bunuh orang someday? So how about you go out and kill your next door neighbor. Mana la tau kan satu hari nanti that neighbor bunuh orang lain ke kan? Hay, every able person is capable of killing other human being.

Look, crocodiles don't come knocking on your door and kill you. You come to their place, you know the risk, you pay the price. It ain't their fault, it's their nature. They're animals for God's sake.

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Post time 5-10-2006 02:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 10/4/06 12:38 AM
ko paham x concept retaliate?...dlm islam ade hukum Qisas....antarenye bunuh di balas dgn bunuh...malang skali buaye yg dier jumpe bkn buaye yg dicari, what to do...bkn diorg ade care laen nk tau tu the killer...laen la ade steve irwin ade kat situ, leh gak die soh org kg tu tangkap boye, pastu sumbat air2 bnyk2, kang die muntah ape isu perut dier...too bad steve dah xde....

eh, mamat tu mati pon ade jugak manusia2 yg xde kene menegna ngan dier nk retaliate ngan bunuh stngray...normalla kan biler amarah menguasai diri...thehehehe...  

OH MY GOD. QISAS is only applicable to humans. CROCODILES ARE NOT HUMANS.
nak sangat apply undang-undang untuk manusia kepada haiwan, nanti leh la tangkap basah binatang yang bergaul luar nikah. gee, that's just ridiculous.

Normal amarah menguasai diri? Maybe for some people it's normal. That doesn't make it right. That only explains the motive. It doesn't justify the action taken as a retaliation. Another logic for the day.

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Post time 5-10-2006 02:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 10/4/06 12:45 AM
amacam, nie br hukum alam...x tau la plak kalu famili ko x syg ko, ko kene bunuh, diorg wat derk jer...theheheh...  

tell me who in here expect the dad to not care that he's kid was killed? WHO? What's your proof.

we don't expect him not to care. We expect him to care, and take just and rational actions.

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Post time 5-10-2006 02:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 10/4/06 12:50 AM

x kesah la kat mane poster tu duduk, yg penting tu la rutin dier...pathetic, boring dan no adventure...:nerd:

Yes, I don't enjoy that kind of adventure. And adventurous people, like Steve Irwin for example, does not blame wild life if they injure him. Because you should know what you're getting yourself into. Kalau tanak basah jangan terjun dalam air. Kalau terjun gak and basah jangan salahkan air, salahkan diri yang gi terjun.

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Post time 5-10-2006 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by airynz at 10/4/06 01:05 AM
tp die hard fan steve irwin pun dok bunuh ikan pari.....sebagai tanda protes...camana tu....  

those people are not true Irwin's fan. they seem to only enjoy watching his adventures and character, not his message. None of his family members or friends approve the killing of those innocent stringrays.

"Every single time it's been my fault. If I get bitten, I've made the mistake. I knew what I was up against when I went in on that animal." S. Irwin

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Post time 5-10-2006 03:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miss_bunga007 at 10/4/06 03:33 AM
buaya sana mmg patut dikurang kan jumlah dia. Sbb besar dan ganas. Penduduk pinggir sungai mmg tak boleh lari dari menggunakan sungai sbb itu sumber hidup mereka. Tak boleh tidak. Ada kes mangsa yang nak cedok air buat air minuman pun terkena baham.

That's not too hard to solve. Why not buat jambatan over the river. and orang leh cedok air guna gayung yang diikat pakai tali. It's much easier, safer and environmentally friendly. The local govt should help solve that problem.

Or why not install some pumping mechanism to pump the water from the river? Should be pretty easy. Doesn't require high-tech equipment, doesn't necessarily require an engineering degree.

If the villagers don't have enough necessary infrastructures, that's not the crocs' fault. that's people's (either the govt, the villagers or both) fault.

tapi kalo dah ade cukup infrastructure and still nak gi cedok air kat sungai tu tak leh nak kate ape la kan.

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Post time 5-10-2006 03:48 AM | Show all posts
talk about balas dendam, teringat aku iklan Petronas, "Ombak jahat, ombak jahat". Well, he's a kid. But kalo orang besa cakap camtu, that's just not very wise. Ombak, as well as buaya, don't have a clue whether killing humans is wrong or not.

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Post time 5-10-2006 08:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 4-10-2006 04:24 PM

name pon budak2....ko dulu budak2 mmg ikut ape yg mak bapak ko aja ker?..nmpk sgt ko skema kan...budak2 yg normal, lagi org larang lagi la dier nk buat, name pon budak2...budak2 terencat je y ...

kira ko normal la..tak dengar cakap mak bapak ko?? kira ko normal la, sanggup membunuh binatang yg tak berdosa..

ok la..kalu semua org berfikiran cam ko, kompem dunia kita ni akan aman damai kan..pantang salah...bunuh....kan.!!!


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Post time 5-10-2006 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 4-10-2006 04:45 PM
ko nk citer hukum alam lagi ke?(bkn hukum undang2 penal code pekejadah tu...)..ok....katekan ko kene bunuh, msti famili ko sedih kan?...msti diorg nk carik pembunuh ko kan?...sbb time tuh xde undan ...

woit brader...kalu aku kena bunuh pun, famili aku tau camner nak settle..pasal negara kita ada undang2 dol..ko ingat polis malaysia cam pilis pilipino ko tuh ke...ko tak baca ke, polis malaysia antara yg terhebat di, aku tak guna la undang2  gua yg cam ko cakap tuh...zaman dolu2 bole la..mana ada polis nak wat report..nampak sangat byk tgk cheta hindustan la ko ni...ahaks!!!

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