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Author: syafali

Peluang Kerjaya bersama CIMB Wealth Advisors

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2008 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Nak tau macam mana kami di CIMB Wealth Advisors boleh generate 10 levels of income??Nak tau bagaimana penasihat-penasihat kemewahan CIMB berjaya mencapai apa yang mereka ingini?Macam mana nak generate 5,6 atau 7 figure of income?

Temui saya di pejabat pada 6 September jam 11 pagi bertempat di:-

CIMB Wealth Advisors,
Jalan SS6/20A,Dataran Glomac,
47301 Kelana Jaya,

Hanya mereka yang ingin mengubah hidup mereka sahaja yang akan berjaya.

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 Author| Post time 11-9-2008 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Sesi preview kerjaya bersama CIMB Wealth Advisors akan diadakan pada hari Sabtu ini,13/09/2008 jam 11.30 pagi di alamat berikut:-

CIMB Wealth Advisors,
Jalan SS6/20A,Dataran Glomac,
47301 Kelana Jaya,

Sila hubungi saya melalui sms untuk pendaftaran,019-3641101.Jumpa di sana!!!

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2008 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Kasik up!!!

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2008 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Article Series: How Best to Turn Challenges into Opportunities and Create Personal Wealth in Volatile Times

In an effort to restore confidence in this global financial meltdown, CIMB-Principal has initiated a series of article in NST and Berita Harian.

An interesting guide on how best to turn challenges into opportunities and create personal wealth in this very volatile times.   

This is also part of our continuous effort to also educate the Malaysian investing public on regular long-term investment.  The article series will be published over 5 consecutive weeks.


Week 1: Manfaat Pelaburan Jangka Panjang, Berita Harian, 7 October 2008


Week 1: Does long-term investing work when bourse swings wildly?, Business Times, 6 October 2008

Sila klik tajuk artikel untuk membaca.


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 Author| Post time 14-10-2008 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Knowing,Willing & Doing It : Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Jadi apa lagi,yang berminat untuk menjadi total financial solution bersama CIMB Wealth Advisors,sila la berhubung dengan saya.

Selamat Hari Raya,Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2008 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Petikan dari Berita Harian 16 Oktober 2008

CIMB-Principal pilih lapan Dana Utama
Oleh Nor Liza Ahmad

Pelabur boleh buat pelaburan secara defensif dalam keadaan pasaran tidak menentu

CIMB-Principal Asset Management Bhd memilih lapan daripada 70 dana yang diuruskannya sebagai Dana Utama yang membolehkan pelabur membuat pelaburan secara defensif dalam keadaan pasaran yang tidak menentu.

Dana itu termasuk dana konvensional iaitu
CIMB-Principal Equity Fund, CIMB-Principal Equity Growth & Income Fund, CIMB-Principal Balanced Fund dan CIMB-Principal Bond Fund.

Empat dana lagi adalah berlandaskan syariah iaitu CIMB Islamic Dali Equity Growth Fund, CIMB Islamic Dali Equity Fund, CIMB Islamic Balanced Growth Fund dan CIMB Islamic Balanced Fund.

Ketua Eksekutif CIMB-Principal Asset Management, Datuk Noripah Kamso, berkata lapan dana berkenaan mempunyai pulangan yang konsisten dalam jangka panjang.

Katanya, dana berkenaan juga dilaburkan dalam pelbagai sektor dan kelas aset yang meluas.

"Ia (dana) bukan saja mudah difahami tetapi juga mudah untuk dilabur," katanya pada sidang media di Kuala Lumpur, semalam. Hadir sama Ketua Pegawai Pelaburan CIMB-Principal Asset Management, Raymond Tang.

Beliau berkata, pelaburan yang dibuat perlu mengambil kira prospek jangka panjang dan pelabur disarankan supaya membuat pelaburan secara konsisten bagi memperoleh pulangan yang baik.

Katanya, selain mempelbagaikan portfolio pelaburan mereka, pelabur juga dinasihatkan mempunyai paten pelaburan yang berdisiplin.

"Selain bersedia berdepan sebarang situasi terutama ketika pasaran mengalami kejatuhan, pelabur perlu bijak memanfaatkan peluang ketika pasaran lembap dengan melakukan pembelian pada harga murah," katanya.

Noripah berkata, CIMB-Principal Asset Management menggariskan lima strategi yang boleh dimanfaatkan pelabur dan membantu mereka berdepan keputusan sukar, terutama dalam keadaan pasaran yang lemah.

Katanya, dalam keadaan pasaran global semasa yang turun naik, ada pelabur mengambil keputusan untuk melepaskan pegangan mereka dan kaji selidik menunjukkan dalam keadaan terdesak, pelabur juga sanggup menjual pada harga rendah.

"Bagi menikmati pulangan yang baik, pelabur dinasihatkan terus kekal berada dalam pasaran dan membuat pelaburan secara konsisten," katanya. Antara lain, pelabur juga disaran mempelbagaikan portfolio pelaburan dalam sektor berlandaskan Syariah yang mana mampu memberi pulangan memberangsangkan.

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2008 08:54 PM | Show all posts
Do Not Weary : It is good to be tired & wearied by the vain search after the true good that we may stretch out our arms to the redeemer ~Blaise Pascal

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2008 09:01 PM | Show all posts
IKKL dijangka ke paras 1,000 mata

Petikan Utusan Malaysia 16 Oktober 2008.

KUALA LUMPUR 15 Okt. - CIMB Principal Asset Management (CIMB Principal) mengunjurkan Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur (IKKL) kembali berada pada paras 1,000 mata menjelang akhir tahun ini.

Ketua Pegawai Pelaburannya, Raymond Tang berkata, unjuran itu berdasarkan kepada keadaan pasaran tempatan kurang merasai impak daripada krisis kewangan global.

''Saya berpendapat pasaran tempatan kurang turun naik meskipun ia kini menunjukkan aliran menurun, tetapi saya rasa terlalu awal untuk menjelaskan risiko impak yang akan dirasai pada masa depan (ekoran krisis tersebut),'' katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian semasa menyampaikan taklimat bertajuk, 'Bagaimana melabur di pasaran yang sukar', di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir pada majlis tersebut ialah Ketua Eksekutif CIMB Principal, Datuk Noripah Kamso.

Raymond menjelaskan, ketidakstabilan pasaran tempatan semasa bukan disumbangkan oleh dasar pasaran yang lemah tetapi sikap pelabur yang terlalu cepat panik dan berasa bimbang dengan persekitaran semasa.

''Ini bukan masa untuk bersikap panik tetapi perlu bijak bertindak dengan membuat keputusan dalam melabur.

''Namun, pelabur perlu memahami bahawa melabur di dalam pasaran saham telah menunjukkan bukti bahawa setiap kali ia menurun maka ia akan naik, daripada situ, keuntungan boleh diperolehi,'' katanya.

Sementara itu, Noripah mencadangkan kepada pelabur supaya memberikan tumpuan kepada portfolio pelaburan bertempoh tiga hingga lima tahun dan sentiasa mengamalkan sikap suka menabung secara tetap meskipun pada kadar minimum RM100 sebulan kerana ia lebih murah, selamat dan menguntungkan.

''Perbuatan melabur dengan jumlah wang yang banyak dan kemudian tidak berbuat apa-apa terhadapnya adalah satu tindakan pelaburan yang tidak tepat,'' ujarnya.

Dalam masa yang sama, Noripah turut mencadangkan lapan dana induknya yang telah diperkenalkan di pasaran sebelum ini untuk dijadikan pilihan oleh pelabur dalam keadaan persekitaran yang sukar ini.

Menurutnya, dana-dana tersebut mudah difahami dan dilaburkan serta memiliki portfolio yang luas serta dibahagi kepada dua segmen iaitu dana berasaskan syariah dan juga dana konvensional.

Empat dana berasaskan syarikat itu ialah CIMB Islamic DALI Equity Growth Fund, CIMB Islamic DALI Equity Fund, CIMB Islamic Balanced Growth Fund dan CIMB Islamic Balanced Fund.

Dana konvensional pula ialah CIMB-Principal Equity Fund, CIMB-Principal Equity Growth & Income Fund, CIMB-Principal Balanced Fund dan CIMB-Principal Bond Fund.

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2008 08:34 PM | Show all posts
Not The Time To Panic But Time For Wise Investments In Bursa

The current sluggish momentum in the local bourse is not because of any fundamental weakness but more due to jittery investors sentiments, said CIMB-Principal Asset Management Bhds chief investment officer, Raymond Tang.

The local market has already factored in the impact of the financial meltdown in the United States and Europe, he said, adding that it is also adjusting and taking into account the recession that is expected to take place in the United States.

"I think our market is less volatile, (but whether) it has bottomed, I think it is still too early to say (no one knows) how much further the engine (financial market in the West) has been damaged," he said during a briefing on how to invest in a difficult market.

At 4pm the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index shed 18.89 points to 947.17. CIMB-Principal year-end target for the Index is 1,000 points.

Hence, it is not the time to "panic" but the time to make wise investment decisions as it has been proven that when the market goes down it will rebound and there will be gains to be made.

Tang said even during the massive downturn, the local bourse did not take a nosedive like the other regional markets.

"Malaysia's market fell far less then the neighbouring countries. If you see in the last two weeks, the local bourse fell between six and seven per cent versus the neighbouring countries, which fell 20-30 per cent. But, of course when the markets rally, we go up less."

For Malaysia, it is more of a "pot hole" and not a "bump."

"Hold on for a while because the whole market is in chaos. So, explore the situation and be less panicky. Those with a clearer mind will profit compared with those who panic," he said.

Investors should also focus on a 3-5 years time horizon, said CIMB-Principals chief executive, Datuk Noripah Kamso.

It is just time to slowdown a bit, take a look around and when things are fine, move ahead, Tang said, adding that even CIMB-Principal has deferred plans to launch about two funds, of which one is a real estate fund.
"The funds were planned for last year, we deferred it for six months, then another six months as there is no point selling funds at the current market situation," he said.

As for funds exposed to the global market, he said CIMB-Principal has positioned itself in companies that will survive recession.

On the other hand, Noripah said CIMB-Principal has reached out to the investing public via its new Flagship Fund initiative to enable the investing public to invest defensively during the current market volatility. The flagship fund consist of eight core funds with consistent long-term risk adjusted returns. She said the funds are widely diversified across different sectors and assets.

*The above article was extracted from Bernama.

p/s:Buat para pelabur dan juga bakal pelabur,ini bukan masanya kita nak buat andaian yang ekonomi kita meleset.Memang ada sedikit sebanyak kesan dari kemelesetan ekonomi Amerika dan Europe.Namun kita tidak bergantung kepada mereka sahaja dan dagangan kita di negara-negara Asia juga memang tinggi dan in term of liquidity,Asia adalah lebih tinggi dari Amerika dan juga Eropah.

Jadi jangan kelam kabut,tarik nafas dalam2.Say to yourself this is an OPPORTUNITY to me.Adopt mid to long term and make a regular investment to practise the dollar cost averaging.Pick the right fund and always keep in touch with your consultant.

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2008 08:52 PM | Show all posts
16-06-2008: World Bank: Positive outlook for Malaysia
by Joyce Goh

KUALA LUMPUR: In the midst of a challenging environment, the World Bank remains positive on the outlook of growth for Malaysia.

揥e remain very optimistic in general for East Asia and Malaysia specifically. We see a government that is working hard on the issues that it抯 being confronted with. We believe the growth can be sustained,

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2008 12:59 PM | Show all posts
Hello!!!!Sorry lama x update kat sini.Just a short note..and it must be a fantastic news!!!Sekarang totals sales CIMB WA satu Malaysia adalah lebih dari 1.1 billion and we are leading in term of sales!!!!yeeeehhhhaaaarrr!!!!!Dan lagi satu,kita ada new partnership utk produk insurans iaitu AIA dan kita dah tak partner lagi dgn Aviva.I and my team and the other fantastic Wealth Advisor akan berkursus seama 3 hari di Genting minggu hadapan.So more good news coming up and I'm always welcome all of you to join us and have a fantastic life!!! See ya!!!

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2008 01:09 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2008 08:11 PM | Show all posts
Mendap je page ni???:@ :@

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2009 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Honesty : Honesty means Telling the Truth and Living the Truth. Honesty Makes for a Life of Integrity Because the Inner & Outer Selves are a Mirror Image. Honesty Earns Trust & Inspires Faith in others ~Unknown

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2009 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera.....

Dah nak masuk 2 bulan saya x buat any posting kat sini.Bukan apa,GERAM bila kita dah type elok2,posting x naik.Dan hari ni syukur sbb this board dah kembali normal,hihihi.

Ok,i hope it's not that too late for a couple of new announcement for those yang berminat untuk join saya dan rakan2 yg lain di CIMB Wealth Advisors.

First announcement is,CIMB Wealth Advisors sekarang tidak lagi bekerjasama dengan Aviva untuk produk insurans.Our new partner is AIA Insurance!!!!!!Yay...i'm so exciited bila our CEO buat announcement sikit masa lalu dah hujung bulan 11 hari tu saya dan beratus2 konsultant dari CIMB Wealth Advisors telah pun berkursus di Genting Highland selama 3 hari 2 malam dengan semua penginapan dan makanan ditanggung oleh CIMB Wealth Advisors.Kami ke sana kerana untuk mempelajari produk2 insurans AIA dan I'm so excited to sell this products and double up my income!!!!

Yang seronoknya,AIA dipilih sebagai company terbaik oleh Reader's Digest pada tahun 2008!!!Dan untuk tahun 2009 ini,siapa yg dpt kumpul RM60,000 FYP utk insurans dah layak ke Macau dan Disneyland di China.At the moment,dah ada 4 org yg dah qualify!!!!!So i'm working hard for that.Mesti nak achieve ni.Lagi satu trip utk unit trust pula kita akan ke Hokaido,Japan pada tahun 2010!!! many amazing things happen lately with CIMB Wealth Advisors coz our total sales for the last year utk unit trust is over than RM1.1 BILLION!!!!!CEO,Mr Tan Beng Wah announced it and said that CIMB Wealth Advisors leading than any other companies dari jumlah total sales utk tahun 2008!!!Yeeezzzzaaaaaaaarrrrrr!!!With the continuos support from the consultant and endless training from CIMB Wealth Advisors,we really make it happen.Dan saya percaya,more sales come to us whether it is an EPF or cash....THIS YEAR!!!!

So apa tunggu lagi.With a positive and high energy,anda semua juga boleh berjaya.Berminat untuk menjadi sebahagian dari CIMB Wealth Advisors,hubungi saya di 019-3641101 atau pm saya di sini.Cheeeersss....

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 Author| Post time 3-2-2009 11:26 AM | Show all posts

Calling all of you to join our Grand Business Opportunity with CIMB Wealth Advisors at Eastin Hotel,17 of February 2009,8pm.This is our first GBOP for this year and absolutely will give you a very very very positive energy.Come and join by giving your name to me or sms me at 0193641101.The entrance is FREE.You may bring your friends or your family members.

The great thing is my senior GAM,Fiona Tahir will be a speaker and also testimonial.She is an amazing lady with her husband that we called him "corprate sifu" because he can close more than two corprate case every year!!!!So let's hear the secret and get the vibration.I believe that this year we also can be the top selling unit trust company again like we did last year.Yezzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! :handshake:

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2009 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Calling all the people here to be at Eastin Hotel tonight at 8pm for our Grand Business Opportunity with CIMB WEalth Advisors.Please sms or call me at 019-3641101.The entrance is free and i just have limited tickets.Hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lot's of special promotion for tonight...only for the early birds.See you there.

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2009 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Wow wow wow....thank you for those yang datang dan sms me.Thank you so much.All of you awesome n makes me happy!!!What a great moment last night with my GAM,Fiona Tahir being a testimony of the night.Lot's of promotion from CIMB Wealth Advisors this year and the promotion as follows:-

-For the new Wealth Advisor,you only pay RM288 for sign up.After you get your license and your total sales is 80k and you close 2 insurance cases,you are entitled to get RM888 cash!!!!!!!!!!!!

All people who came last night sign up like crazy and me as a leader really blessed to have this kind of people.So energetic and positive...!!!!That is so easy for new recruits to qualify the RM888 cash campaign!!!!

And this 2010 trips we gonna go to Hokaido Japan for unit trust and Macau n Disneyland China for insurance with AIA!!!!!!!I'm so excited and let's this dream happen to all of us.Let's qualify the trips together.Wishing you all the best....Amin.

Sign up with CIMB Wealth Advisors and do contact me at 019-3641101.Register before June 2009 in order to qualify the RM888 campaign.!!I already qualify the RM888,888 campiagn last year!!!And of coz I want to qualify all the campaign that offer to all the leaders in CIMB Wealth Advisors.I'm blessed.

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2009 12:39 PM | Show all posts
Get ready to earn a regular income by selling unit trust and gain your passive income by selling insurans!!!Many people give up with unit trust industry becoz of economic situation.But with CIMB Wealth Advisors,as a Total Financial Solution Provider,you will NEVER face this bad days.

Come...come and join me to get more income.You may contact me at 0193641101. Thank you.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2009 02:35 PM | Show all posts
CIMB Wealth Advisors Berhad & American International Assurance Bhd. Form Exclusive Strategic Alliance

Kuala Lumpur: CIMB Wealth Advisors Berhad and AIA Bhd. today formalised a strategic alliance to offer a wide range of differentiated and innovative insurance protection solutions to consumers.

Through this formalisation, over 5,500 agents and financial planners of CIMB Wealth Advisors will now be able to market a wide range of insurance products underwritten by AIA Bhd. and its subsidiary, AIA Takaful International Bhd. (ATIB) to their steadily growing clientele.

CIMB Wealth Advisors is well known for its success in the area of wealth management and unit trust investments while AIA Bhd. has over six decades of experience as a leading life insurer in Malaysia.

Signing the strategic alliance agreement were Tan Beng Wah, Chief Executive Officer, CIMB Wealth Advisors and Khor Hock Seng, Chief Executive Officer, AIA Bhd. Witnessing the signing were Dato’ Sri Nazir Razak, Group Chief Executive, CIMB Group and Mark Wilson, President and Chief Executive Officer of AIA Co. Ltd.

The 10-year exclusive strategic alliance will enable both parties to leverage their proven strengths and expertise in the areas of wealth planning and insurance protection solutions respectively to offer Malaysians a holistic approach to financial planning.

Tan Beng Wah, in welcoming AIA Bhd. as a partner, said: “The collaboration provides a huge opportunity that will benefit both parties. This joint venture is one of immense potential. Our wide distribution reach of 35 regional offices, branches and agency offices nationwide and over 5,500 consultants, combined with AIA Bhd.’s expertise in designing industry-leading insurance products, is a natural fit. Our agents will now be able to offer customised financial solutions to our customers by bundling some of these insurance products with our other offerings that include unit trust funds, credit cards, structured investments, wills and trusts services provided by CIMB Group.”

Khor Hock Seng of AIA Bhd. said: “This alliance marks the coming together of two established brands which will be a clear win – win strategy for both. Through this, we at AIA Bhd. are able to utilise the agency distribution strength of CIMB Wealth Advisors while they in return will be able to benefit from our full range of diversified insurance products, customer focused approach and superior operational efficiency.”

Among the range of products underwritten and developed by AIA Bhd. to be marketed by CIMB Wealth Advisors include traditional life, investment-linked medical, education, endowment and other plans.

This alliance also opens the door for CIMB Wealth Advisors to cross sell products of ATIB, a wholly owned subsidiary of AIA Bhd., proudly Malaysia’s first International Takaful Operator licensed by Bank Negara Malaysia.

CIMB Wealth Advisors Berhad is a subsidiary of CIMB-Principal Asset Management Berhad, which is jointly owned by CIMB Group and the Principal Financial Group, U.S.A.

About CIMB Group

CIMB Group is Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider and one of Southeast Asia’s leading universal banking groups. It offers consumer banking, investment banking, Islamic banking, asset management and insurance products and services. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, its key regional offices are located in Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand.

CIMB Group operates its business through three main brand entities, CIMB Bank, CIMB Investment Bank and CIMB Islamic. CIMB Group is also the majority shareholder of Bank CIMB Niaga in Indonesia.

CIMB Group is owned by Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Bhd, which is listed on Bursa Malaysia with a market capitalisation of over USD7 billion. The Group has over 36,000 employees located in 9 countries.
About AIA Bhd.
AIA Bhd. began operations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1948 as a branch of AIA Co. Ltd (AIA). With 60 years of local market presence, AIA Bhd. has now become one of the country’s largest life insurers, with a network of 23 branches nationwide and over 1,000 employees and 10,000 agents. The company’s focus is on designing new, innovative products to meet the changing needs of the market.

About the AIA Group
The AIA group is a leading life insurance organization in Asia with a unique heritage of serving the world’s most dynamic region for 90 years. It provides consumers and businesses with products and services for life insurance, retirement planning, accident and health insurance as well as wealth management solutions. Through an extensive network of 250,000 agents and 20,000 employees across 13 geographical markets, the AIA group serves over 20 million customers in the region.

The AIA group has branch offices, subsidiaries and affiliates located in jurisdictions including Australia, Brunei, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.


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