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Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux splits
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Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux's romance wasn't the fairytale fans hoped for.
On Thursday afternoon, the couple surprised pop culture fans when they announced their separation after less than three years of marriage.
"In an effort to reduce any further speculation, we have decided to announce our separation," the pair's statement read in part. "This decision was mutual and lovingly made at the end of last year. We are two best friends who have decided to part ways as a couple, but look forward to continuing our cherished friendship."
While there's no denying the fact that Jennifer and Justin had chemistry and love for one another, some close to the couple had their doubts that this romance would truly last forever.
"Jennifer and Justin fell in love hard and fast and yet they were never really suited to one another. He was a New York hipster that loved the alternative lifestyle and Jennifer was living a much more reclusive life when they first started to fall in love," a source shared with E! News. "The initial chemistry between them made it easy for them to ignore their differences and incompatibility."
After news first broke of their relationship in 2011—or one year after filming their movie Wanderlust, Justin experienced a whole new level of attention and media scrutiny that took time getting used to.
Instead of walking around the streets of major cities without being bothered, the actor found the paparazzi following his every move. The photographers were especially present when he spent time in Los Angeles with Jennifer.
"He absolutely hated it at first," our source explained. "But he fell in love with Jennifer so it was something he came to accept. But everyone around him knew it wasn't really who he was."
Long before sparks flew with Jennifer, Justin previously dated Heidi Bivens for more than a decade. Throughout the relationship, the duo maintained a low profile. In fact, a separate source told E! News today that the stylist has moved on with her life and only wishes other people good luck and happiness.
"She's more focused on the projects she's working on right now," our source expressed. "She only says positive things and wishes other people happiness."
As for Jennifer and Justin, they both found themselves becoming a bit more reclusive as a way to avoid the limelight. It's a way of life the Friends star learned about after her previous breakups including her highly publicized divorce from Brad Pitt.
"Jennifer's previous breakups had taught her to live a life that was very secular; her friendship group was small and consisted of people that she intimately trusted," a source shared. "Justin was used to being way more social and so that was a big concession for him as well."
According to our source, not many of Justin's friends were fully on board with his relationship partly because Jennifer's lifestyle was so different from what he was used to.
"They have always just been two very different people with very different characters who just happened to fall in love," a source shared. "He's more nomadic, more of a free spirit, he's rugged and urban and Jennifer just isn't that kind of person."
While the warning signs may have been there such as Justin's silence on Jennifer's 49th birthday this past weekend, the couple was able to enjoy plenty of great times together.
From romantic getaways to Mexico, a tropical honeymoon in Bora Bora and a private wedding filled with their closest friends, this relationship had some unforgettable highs.
But what cameras can't catch is what happens behind closed doors.
"They've had problems for a while. It's just been a case of two people who were ultimately incompatible," another source shared with us. "And as the love faded over time, it became harder and harder to bridge the differences between them."
2018 E! Entertainment Television, LLC. A Division of NBCUniversal. All rights reserved.
so betul la spekulasi jen balik kpd brat pitt? |

Author |
Post time 16-2-2018 10:12 PM
From the mobile phone
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helicornia replied at 16-2-2018 09:14 PM
so betul la spekulasi jen balik kpd brat pitt?
Dah jodoh..  |
Cantik betul la Jenifer Anniston.. awet muda.. jealous |
sinalegna replied at 17-2-2018 12:52 AM
Thanks buddy |

Author |
Post time 17-2-2018 09:09 AM
From the mobile phone
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Margarita replied at 17-2-2018 05:50 AM
Cantik betul la Jenifer Anniston.. awet muda.. jealous
She's 49.. kesian nak sangat anak. Abam Brad dah hade ngan Angie |
Tak pernah rasa jeniffer aniston ni lawa. |
Rainrein replied at 17-2-2018 01:26 PM
Tak pernah rasa jeniffer aniston ni lawa.
Same here..... |
But she’s pretty for her age. Angelina dah mcm nenek dah sbb kurus sangat. Masa muda hot gila |
Rainrein replied at 17-2-2018 01:26 PM
Tak pernah rasa jeniffer aniston ni lawa.
Eh aku ingat aku sorang je rasa macam ni. Masa Friends tengah top aku kat university. Ramai nar kawan aku yg copycat rambut minah ni. imo she looks boring. Tapi kesian juga la bila brad curang. |
fadan muka-team akak angie |
wikedsaikel replied at 17-2-2018 06:13 AM
Eh aku ingat aku sorang je rasa macam ni. Masa Friends tengah top aku kat university. Ramai nar k ...
Ingat lagi my abang abang cakap hotnye jeniffer aniston nih dedulu. Ai dok pikir hot tang mana tah sebab imo rupa dia biasa sangat. Tapi tu la, to each his own kan. Kita cakap x lawa, orang lain nampak she's gorgeous.
Masa kes curang tuh, dahla ai suka angelina and brad. Nak ship lelebih pun terpikir kesiannye kat jennifer nih. |
fliphair8 replied at 17-2-2018 05:36 AM
Same here.....
Kannnnn.  |
X pnh tau she dh remarried alih2 bercerai... rambut dia mmg belah tgh cmtu je ke? Dr muda sampai tua xde beza |
Jen ni so so actress.....comedy act boleh laaa....heavy drama character dont think so derailed...she looks boring...same style years and years....thanks to friends franchise she's rich....and thanks to brad pitt too... |
Pd aku pn dia biasa2 je... Tp taklah buruk. Cntik biasa2 |
Dari dulu lagi team aniston.. |
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