It's time to kill the fear and live your life.
Over the last few weeks I've been getting a flood of emails from
people just like you - asking how they can overcome fear.
They tell me that they're crippled by fear - unable to move forward
and achieve their goals - fear is holding them back.
Fear can destroy your life.
You may fear success.
You may fear rejection.
You may fear failure.
You may fear the unknown.
You may fear all of the above and more.
If you do - you are letting fear destroy your chance for success.
But you can overcome and eliminate fear.
You can turn your fear into power.
So today I'll show you how to knock fear right out of your life so
that you empower yourself and begin creating the life that you
want. Read on and enjoy.
Eliminate Fear
You may have terrific goals and great intentions - but instead of
taking action - you may find that fear takes over, destroying your
chance for success and eliminates any hope for happiness or a
better life.
If you're among the millions of people who let fear take over just
when you're about to set out on a new venture or take massive
action to change your life - don't feel that there is no hope.
There's more than hope - there is a simple and effective way to
overcome fear.
Fear is something that we all experience.
Even the most confident people will experience some form of fear at
different points in their lives.
No one is without fear. Heck even I experience fear from time to
time - I just don't let it get the better of me.
Experiencing fear is perfectly normal - letting it cripple and
paralyze you - to the point where you do nothing - is not normal
and it is not something that you should tolerate.
Those who live successful and happy lives know how to deal with and
overcome their fears.
Those who don't know how to overcome fear are paralyzed and in the
end take no action, thus they never improve their lives and often
give up before they even get started.
When you experience fear think of it as a trigger. It's almost like
an internal mechanism telling you something. It's telling you that
you are focusing on the wrong thing.
What do I mean?
Here's an example: Let's say you want to start a business - but you
have no business experience.
Your entire life you've worked for someone else - and now you want
to venture into an area that you know nothing about. You get scared
- this is what I refer to as the fear of the unknown. You don't
know what will happen if you were to go into business - so you
immediately focus on everything that could go wrong. You start
asking yourself questions like:
What if I make a mistake?
What if I lose all of my money?
What if the business fails?
Understand that this is a perfectly normal process.
Anybody who goes into business will always ask themselves similar
This fear of the unknown occurs because you are not prepared. You
don't know enough, you haven't done enough research, you haven't
prepared enough to make sure that your fears don't come to pass.
How do you overcome the fear of the unknown?
It's really quite simple.
You get better prepared.
In the above example you would learn more about business, you would
minimize your risk, you would take small steps, you would do more
research about the business you want to set up, you would test your
ideas or your product and go slowly.
If you have a fear of buying a new home then you would go through a
similar process. Learn more about buying a new home, learn more
about what it would take to manage a home, pay the bills, pay the
mortgage, etc.
If you have a fear about moving to a new job learn more about the
company that you are going to and what it does.
When you do this your mind no longer focuses on the fear. Instead,
you get your mind focused on finding solutions and direct it to
help you overcome the fear by getting better prepared.
At the same time you also fill your mind and subconscious mind with
more information so that you are better prepared to make the right
The next thing you can do is to begin instructing your mind and
subconscious mind to help you make the right decision.
How do you do this?
You simply start telling yourself: I'm making the right decision
about (whatever decision you want to make).
In the above example - you would say:
I'm making the right decision about starting this business.
I know what to do to make the right decision and I'm making the
right decision.
This process gets your mind focused on what you want and it forces
your subconscious to find a solution for what you want - which in
the above example is to make the right decision.
Start eliminating fear today.
Focus on what you want. Learn to get better prepared. Direct your
mind and subconscious mind to help you overcome the fear and launch
you to success. |
You're Better Than Good Enough!
The other common fear I've come across is the fear of not being
good enough.
Many people are afraid that they're not good enough.
This can often be disguised as the fear of success, fear of not
being ready, fear of failure.
In any case the bottom line is that you're afraid because you feel
that you are not good enough or not ready.
Again - you're focusing on the wrong thing!
You're looking at all of the reasons why you cannot do something
and in the end give up saying you're just too scared to do anything.
In many situations you start by setting your goals very high, which
is a good thing but hen you talk yourself out of doing anything
because you don't think you're ready to achieve such a goal.
Why don't you think you're ready? Or why do you think you're not
good enough?
Or why don't you think you'll be any good at something?
Because you're looking at all the reasons why you can't do
something instead of looking at all of the reasons why you can do
Here's a little exercise you can do.
The next time you find that you're talking yourself out of a
situation - stop.
Write down all the reasons why you are scared.
Then look at that list and ask yourself if it is realistic?
Next start writing a new list - this time list all the reasons why
you can or should be able to do something.
Look at past accomplishments, look at your training, focus on your
positive qualities, think of the things you can do to improve your
When you think about why you can do something you start to move
your mind in a new direction - it begins to focus on why you can do
something instead of why you can't.
At the same time you also get your subconscious mind working for
you - it starts to believe that you think you can do something.
This is the best part - because now your subconscious mind begins
to attract the situations and opportunities for you to succeed.
Think of why you're scared and eliminate the fear by focusing on
positive events where you were successful.
Think of all that you've accomplished and you'll begin eliminating
Start directing your mind and subconscious mind to move away from
fear and to start focusing on and creating success.
Push yourself to take action.
When you feel that you're fear is taking over - push yourself to
take one small step.
Do something new and different everyday - this gets your mind used
to the idea of doing different things and helps reduce the level of
Do something to help you achieve your goals everyday.
When you constantly focus on your fears, when you constantly think
that you're not good enough or not capable of achieving your goals
- you basically instruct your subconscious mind to create the
things that you are afraid of. You actually end up creating more
and more fear - even though you don't want that.
For example: If you think you're not good enough to do something -
then your subconscious mind will create situations that will lead
you to believe that you are not good enough to do something.
This is the most devastating aspect of fear - because you end up
creating exactly what you don't want.
So start changing the way you see things and focus on why you can
do something instead of why you can't do something.
Begin directing your mind and subconscious mind to create the
situations you do want.
Start living the life you want by eliminating fear and embracing
Keep yourself busy.
Focus on why you can do something.
Do something everyday to help you achieve your goals.
Focus on your positive qualities.
When the fear starts to takeover - think about what you really want
and why you can achieve your success.
Direct your mind and subconscious mind to create the life that you
You can eliminate fear.
You can be successful.
You have the power and ability to create anything you want in life.
You have the power and ability to be tremendously successful -
start using the power of your mind and subconscious mind today -
[ Last edited by Png_Prince at 8-3-2007 05:24 PM ] |
View Rating Log
baru baca separuh....
nanti sambung lain masa :ting:
[ Last edited by afja at 8-3-2007 05:22 PM ] |
Reply #3 afja's post
Dah boring ke baca ?  |
Reply #4 Png_Prince's post
bukan boring...
tp nk kene focus dgn mata hati...so take time lah...
good article ...:cak: |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi